
Concept Plan


by the Planning Commission

APPROVE variances 1-29 since the variances will not create a traffic hazard and the streets will comply with all other design standards.
Delete variance 30.

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

APPROVE the Concept Plan with 41 lots subject to 10 conditions.

1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirement of the Knox County Health Dept.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (Ord. 0-280-90).
3. Withdrawn by the Planning Commission.
4. Identifying the approved access points on the final plat and including a note on the plat that access to Parkside Dr. is only approved for those locations shown on the plat.
5. Submission of a revised concept plan is required for consideration of any median crossings or access points not shown on the approved concept plan.
6. Conformance with the 404 permit issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and the 401c certification by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for streambed and wetlands alteration, and wetlands mitigation.
7. Stormwater plans for future development within the project boundary shall be designed to ensure adequate quality of discharge stormwater. State and local stormwater quality regulations shall be met.
8. At the request of the Knoxville Department of Engineering, at the Design Plan phase, revise the street profiles for Streets B, E & F to change the grades that are less than 1% to a minimum of 1%.
9. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Department of Engineering.
10. Meeting all requirements of the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
11. A final plat application based on this concept plan (for lots abutting the new public streets) will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to MPC Staff.

With the conditions noted, the request meets all requirements for approval of a concept plan.

Applicant Request

Turkey Creek - Revised
41 (Split)


Refer to the attached sheet from the developer requesting 29 variances from the subdivision regulations regarding right-of-way width, reduction of intersection curb and right-of-way radii, increase in intersection grades, and double frontage lots. Based on the Concept Plan profiles, an additional variance is required.

30. Intersection grade variance on Road B at Parkside Dr., from the 0.5% minimum to 0.25%.

Property Information

North and south side of Parkside Dr., west of Lovell Rd.

Council District 2

247 acres

Planning Sector
Southwest County

Currently on the Property
Vacant land

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Existing City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
APPROVE variances 1-29 since the variances will not create a traffic hazard and the streets will comply with all other design standards.
Delete variance 30.

Details of Action
APPROVE the Concept Plan with 41 lots subject to 10 conditions.

1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirement of the Knox County Health Dept.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (Ord. 0-280-90).
3. Withdrawn by the Planning Commission.
4. Identifying the approved access points on the final plat and including a note on the plat that access to Parkside Dr. is only approved for those locations shown on the plat.
5. Submission of a revised concept plan is required for consideration of any median crossings or access points not shown on the approved concept plan.
6. Conformance with the 404 permit issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and the 401c certification by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for streambed and wetlands alteration, and wetlands mitigation.
7. Stormwater plans for future development within the project boundary shall be designed to ensure adequate quality of discharge stormwater. State and local stormwater quality regulations shall be met.
8. At the request of the Knoxville Department of Engineering, at the Design Plan phase, revise the street profiles for Streets B, E & F to change the grades that are less than 1% to a minimum of 1%.
9. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Department of Engineering.
10. Meeting all requirements of the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
11. A final plat application based on this concept plan (for lots abutting the new public streets) will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to MPC Staff.

With the conditions noted, the request meets all requirements for approval of a concept plan.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE variances 1-29 since the variances will not create a traffic hazard and the streets will comply with all other design standards.
DENY variance 30 (Withdrawn by Planning Commission 3/8/01) based on City's request of no street grade less than 1%.
APPROVE the Concept Plan with 41 lots subject to 11 conditions.

1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirement of the Knox County Health Dept.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (Ord. 0-280-90).
3. Withdrawn by the Planning Commission 3/8/01. Eliminating the 5 access points onto Parkside Dr. located at the western end of the subdivision as identified on the attached exhibit.
4. Identifying the approved access points on the final plat and including a note on the plat that access to Parkside Dr. is only approved for those locations shown on the plat.
5. Submission of a revised concept plan is required for consideration of any median crossings or access points not shown on the approved concept plan.
6. Conformance with the 404 permit issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and the 401c certification by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for streambed and wetlands alteration, and wetlands mitigation.
7. Stormwater plans for future development within the project boundary shall be designed to ensure adequate quality of discharge stormwater. State and local stormwater quality regulations shall be met.
8. At the request of the Knoxville Department of Engineering, at the Design Plan phase, revise the street profiles for Streets B, E & F to change the grades that are less than 1% to a minimum of 1%.
9. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Department of Engineering.
10. Meeting all requirements of the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
11. A final plat application based on this concept plan (for lots abutting the new public streets) will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to MPC Staff.

With the conditions noted, the request meets all requirements for approval of a concept plan.

What's next?

Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Turkey Creek - Revised

Turkey Creek Land Partners, LLC

Case History