Add rooftop deck to one story building. The deck will not be visible from the street. The structure for the deck will span from the brick walls of the neighboring buildings with steel bar joists. The decking will be made of wood or composite material. There will be low barrier landscaping framing on either end of the deck that is 18 to 24 inches tall, made of iron or steel. The landscape barrier will be set back approximately 10 feet from the front of the building. There will be multiple 2 or 3 gallon plants in this landscaping framing. The plants will be approximately 18 inches tall.
Add access/entry to the deck from the neighboring two story buidling, a minimum of 30 feet back from the front facade. The new arched doorway will be 6 feet 5 inches wide, that matches the arched doorways that connect the two buildings on the first level (interior). The deck will be approximately 4 feet above the second story floor level. The exterior stairs up to the deck will have a barreled roof enclosuer of translucent glass or plastic glazing with the stairs paralleling the wall face and extending about 4 to 5 feet from the wall. There will be an egress from the back of the deck to the alley.
There will be lighting on the deck, but the fixtures will not be visible. The lighting will likely be deck mounted bollards, poles or up lights. The existing brick walls my be illuminated at night from below.
The brick walls to either side of the deck may require some repair or maintenance but there will not be a change in form or materials.
Staff Comments
These buildings are within the Southern Terminal and Warehouse (National Register) Historic District. The Historic Resources section of the design guidelines states, "Design rooftop additions so that they are not seen from adjoining streets and sidewalks". This proposals apprears to meet all the guidelines for for rooftop additions by making all permanent elements non-visibility.