Approve DK-G (Downtown Knoxville, Grid Subdistrict) zoning because it is compatible with existing zoning in the area, including the requirement to meet standards in the City's Downtown Design Guidelines.
Approve DK-G (Downtown Knoxville, Grid Subdistrict) zoning because it is compatible with existing zoning in the area, including the requirement to meet standards in the City's Downtown Design Guidelines.
The O Office Zoning District is intended to provide for an environment of low intensity office and service uses, mixed with residential uses. The O District may additionally serve as a transition between single-family residential areas and more intensely developed commercial or industrial areas within the City of Knoxville.
The O Office Zoning District is intended to provide for an environment of low intensity office and service uses, mixed with residential uses. The O District may additionally serve as a transition between single-family residential areas and more intensely developed commercial or industrial areas within the City of Knoxville.
East side of S Gay St, south of W Summit Hill Dr
Council District 6
Land Use Classification MU-RC (Mixed Use Regional Center) MU-RC (Mixed Use Regional Center)