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Knox County Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan


Approved as modified
by the Planning Commission

Approve the Knox County Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan with the following amendments:

1) On page 72 of the Plan, the "Criteria for a Plan Update" section shall be revised to reflect, "If there is an obvious or significant error or om



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Approve the Knox County Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan with the following amendments:

1) On page 72 of the Plan, the "Criteria for a Plan Update" section shall be revised to reflect, "If there is an obvious or significant error or omission in the Plan, or if one or more criteria apply, it may be appropriate to update the Plan."

2) On page 72 of the Plan, bullet point #2 of the "Criteria for a Plan Update" section shall be revised to reflect, "Introduction of significant new utilities or local/state/federal road projects that were not anticipated in the Plan and make development more feasible."

3) On page 72 of the Plan, bullet point #3 of the "Criteria for a Plan Update" section shall be revised to reflect "new data regarding trends or projections, housing conditions, population, or traffic growth that warrant reconsideration of the original plan."

4) On page 60 of the Plan, #8.6 shall be added: "Research and propose incentives and development standards that encourage new development to have design compatible with historical resources that are adjacent or in the area."

5) In Appendix H, the Rural Preservation zone shall be added to the Rural Conservation place type as "partially related.



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