Street Name Change


Approved as Modified

Approve the name change from Old Tazewell Pike to Corinth Church Lane.



Property Info

Case Notes

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Details of Action

Approve the name change from Old Tazewell Pike to Corinth Church Lane.

Applicant Request

From Murphy Road
To a point 70 ft north of the southeast corner of parcel 039 257
Proposed Street Name
Memory Hill Ln.

Reason for Change

Part of Old Tazewell Pike was closed, which caused the right-of-way to be disconnected. Having non-contiguous road segments with the street name is a safety concern for the Knox County Emergency Communications District. The enclosed map highlights this disconnection and shows the section of Old Tazewell Pike to be renamed (Exhibit C).

Property Information

0 Old Tazewell Pk.

Commission District 8

Growth Plan
Rural Area

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Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Case History