Design Review Board
Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 2-B-13-DT with the following conditions: 1) Clean and repoint brick in accordance with the National Park Service's Preservation Brief #1 (Assessing Cleaning and Water-Repellent Treatments for Historic Masonry Buildings) and #2 (Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings), 2) The large second story windows along Union Avenue can be replaced with new windows as proposed, or to match the existing split configuration in-kind.
Location 430 S Gay St
Applicant Request
Rehabilitate the exterior of the building, including a new storefront and windows, and a new rooftop deck.
West elevation, facing Gay Street (see Sheets A201 and A202) - 1) Patch, repair, clean and repoint the existing unpainted brick, 2) Patch, repair and clean existing cornice above the storefront and top of building, 3) Replace all windows with new wood framed windows that match the existing windows, 4) Restore the existing transoms, 5) Install new wood trimmed storefront with a recessed main entry and an entrance for the residential units flush with the façade. The bukhead will be brick and 1-foot 6 inches tall. The recessed entrance has angled sides that match that of the existing transom above, 6) Install new iron awning and support brackets between the two glass designs of the transom, 7) Install a metal 2 square foot non-illuminated sign next to the residential entrance.
South elevation, facing Union Avenue (see Sheets A201, A202 and A105) - 1) Complete the work as described for the West elevation for the portion of the façade with same design and unpainted brick, 2) Patch, repair, clean, repoint and repaint the existing painted brick, 3) Replace all windows with new wood framed windows that match the existing windows, 4) Create an opening and install one new window on fourth floor (the short window without an arch), 5) On the first floor (basement/alley level), infill three existing door openings along the sidewalk with new brick to match the existing size, joints and spacing, and install new wood framed windows for all window openings to match the muntin pattern of the similar adjacent windows. In addition, install exhaust and dryer vents, 6) Reduce the scale of the existing promenade screen and install a new metal guardrailing along the promenade roof edge, 7) Remove the existing metal fire escape.
East elevation, facing alley (see Sheet A201) - 1) Patch, repair, clean, repoint and repaint the existing painted brick, 2) Replace all windows with new wood framed windows that match the existing windows, 3) Create one new door opening for both the third and fourth floor by removing the brick below the middle windows down to the floor level. Install new french doors and metal railing attached inside masonry opening, 4) Install new stair and loading dock along alley, 5) Remove the existing metal fire escape and patch promenade roof.
Roof additions (see Sheets A201 and A105) - 1) Install two new stair towers and one new elevator shaft. These will have a stucco finish with integral coloring to match adjacent brick wall. The windows in the western stair tower will have a pre-finished metal frame and fixed glass, 2) Install new rooftop deck near the west elevation with painted steel railings and composite decking and screen wall.
Staff Comments
This building is in the Gay Street Commercial Historic District on the National Register so the board should consider the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (page 47 of the guidelines) when approving exterior alterations. The applicant has indicated that they will be seeking historic tax credits so the proposed work will be reveiwed by the Tennessee Historical Commission and the National Park Service for conformity with their standards. If the owner decides not to seek historic tax credits, however, the boards decision of appropriateness will be the only review.
The large windows on the second floor (former Arby's space) are currently broken into two windows with a recessed panel separating them. The applicant states that they believe these were originally one window and later changed to create a dropped ceiling for a mezzanine. The current design has its own historic significance and could be the required design by the National Park Service for the tax credits. The staff recommendation would allow either window configuration to be installed so the applicant would not need to modify their approval.
Historic windows are encouraged to be repaired and reused when possible. The applicant states that the large single pane glass would create an environmental problem inside and the windows are in come to less than 18 inches to the floor and are not tempered. Left as is they are a safety hazard. Some of these issues could be resolved by properly refurbishing the windows, caulking and adding internal storm windows. Staff, however, feels that the replacement of these windows may be warranted.
The rooftop deck, railing, screen wall and associated stair tower is designed to no be visible from the sidewalk at a minimum from the corner opposite the building's corner (Union Avenue and Gay Street).
The large projecting signs shown in the plans on the Gay Street and Union Avenue corner of the building are not intended for approval as part of this submission. Once a tenant is secured for the commerical space a sign package will be proposed for approval.
There are a few elements of the proposal that will need further approval from the City: all modifications to the promenade structure, any doors that swing out over the public right-of-way, and the rear loading dock and stair that extends into the alley.