Historic Zoning Commission
Fourth and Gill H: Level II
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 2-B-24-HZ as submitted.
Applicant Request
Accessory structureNew secondary structure, measuring 34' wide by 24'-8" deep, to be located at the southeastern (rear right) corner of the property, behind the primary house and closer to Camp Avenue. The garage will be accessed by an existing curb cut and driveway extending north off Camp Avenue.
One-story, hipped-roof, garage with three garage bays facing the rear of the property. The hipped roof is a 5/12 pitch and clad in asphalt shingles, the building will be clad in smooth-finished fiber cement lap siding with an exposure to match the existing house, with cornerboards and base trim, and a concrete slab foundation. Two gable-roof dormers with three aluminum-clad fixed windows are centered on the front and rear roof slopes.
The west elevation (facing Luttrell Street) features a fiberglass door with transom and two bays of double-hung, aluminum-clad wood windows. A porch featuring paired 10" tapered columns on piers extends the length of the west elevation. The rear elevation features three steel insulated garage doors. The south elevation (fronting Camp Avenue) features two double-hung, aluminum-clad wood windows.
CONDITION OF APPROVAL PER 2.15.24 HZC MEETING: 1) applicant to provide porch column base material to staff for approval.
Staff Comments
Colonial Revival Four Square, c.1920Two-story frame residence with a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of wood lap siding, and a brick foudation. A gable-roof dormer with three adjoining windows is centered on the roofline. Full-length, hipped-roof porch supported by paired, tapered, fluted columns.
1. 1302 Luttrell Street is a contributing resource to the Fourth and Gill National Register Historic District and local overlay.
2. The garage is proposed for the rear right corner of the property, set behind the primary structure. Due to the corner lot, it will be visible from the right-of-way. Placement of the garage is appropriate.
3. The height, scale, and overall massing of the secondary structure are compatible with the primary house and appropriate for the structure.
4. The new secondary structure will be aligned with the primary structure by the use of multiple design elements, including the dormers with three fixed windows, roof pitch and design, and porch columns. The garage will be differentiated from the house by the use of contemporary materials (fiber cement lap siding instead of wood).
5. Fiber cement lap siding has been approved for new secondary structures in the Fourth and Gill overlay. The application includes specifications for smooth finish boards and an exposure pattern and cornerboards to reflect the primary house.
6. Site plan modifications may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards; any revisions to the site plan could be approved by staff.