Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


The following improvements are proposed for the intersection of Clinch Avenue and Locust Avenue: remove the mid-block crossing and canopy on Locust Street, for canopies that are to remain replace the existing acrylic skylights with new aluminum framed glass roof (to match that being installed on the Henley pedestrian bridge), install new glass canopies over the Locust Street (south) and Clinch Avenue (east) crosswalks. On the east side of Locust Street, adjacent to the Hilton parking garage, replace the existing canopy roof with the new aluminum framed glass roof and extend the canopy structure to the Locust/Clinch intersection and the Hilton driveway (see sheet A112 - Roof Plan).

On the west side of Locust Street, install a new concrete ramp (adjacent to the existing stairs to the pedestrian bridge) that wraps around the back of the existing tree. This will require modifying the retaining wall around the tree.

Remove the metal canopy above the doors to the elevator lobby of the Locust Street Garage.

Locust and Clinch intersection
Applicant Request
The following improvements are proposed for the intersection of Clinch Avenue and Locust Avenue: remove the mid-block crossing and canopy on Locust Street, for canopies that are to remain replace the existing acrylic skylights with new aluminum framed glass roof (to match that being installed on the Henley pedestrian bridge), install new glass canopies over the Locust Street (south) and Clinch Avenue (east) crosswalks. On the east side of Locust Street, adjacent to the Hilton parking garage, replace the existing canopy roof with the new aluminum framed glass roof and extend the canopy structure to the Locust/Clinch intersection and the Hilton driveway (see sheet A112 - Roof Plan).

On the west side of Locust Street, install a new concrete ramp (adjacent to the existing stairs to the pedestrian bridge) that wraps around the back of the existing tree. This will require modifying the retaining wall around the tree.

Remove the metal canopy above the doors to the elevator lobby of the Locust Street Garage.

Staff Comments
This project is a continution of the modernization/rehabilitation of the pedestrian bridge over Henley.

Additional comments:
1) Relocate the stormwater catch basin on the east side of the Locust Street so it is outside of the crosswalk (at the curb).
2) Consider moving the new canopy column on the north side of Clinch Avenue further away from the street. If Locust Street is changed to two way traffic as has been recommended in the Downtown Circulation and Mobility Plan, large truck turning right may hit this column.
3) Pedestrian signals need to be relocated. Those that are attached to poles being removed are not shown on the plan as being relocated.

Applicable guidelines:

The public realm is composed of streets, sidewalks, and public open spaces. Public space is defined by development and supports a diversity of uses. It promotes transit use and pedestrian activity. It can be considered the outdoor room created by surrounding buildings.

Consider pedestrians first, then transit, then the automobile in designing and developing downtown places. Public utilities and streetscape amenities should be located to support safe, convenient, and unimpeded pedestrian flow. Due to the nature of the narrow downtown streets with low traffic speeds it is relatively safe to bike within the downtown area. However, bike lanes and greenways leading to downtown, and places to store bicycles once downtown should also be considered.

1a. Prioritize pedestrian safety and comfort through public amenities, such as pedestrian-scale lighting, benches, and trash receptacles.
1b. Require sidewalks and crosswalks that are accessible to all and are aesthetically pleasing.
1h. Install and time traffic signals to maximize pedestrian safety and convenience.

McCarty Holsaple McCarty

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History