Property Information
Location11471 OUTLET DR
North side of Outlet Dr, east of Snyder Rd
Commission District 6
Size18.31 acres
Place Type DesignationSMR (Suburban Mixed Residential), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanFarragut Urban Growth Boundary
Fire Department / DistrictRural Metro Fire
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for a multi-dwelling development with up to 320 units as shown in the development plan, subject to 1 condition.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for a multi-dwelling development with up to 320 units as shown in the development plan, subject to 1 condition.
1) Meeting all the conditions of the associated use on review application (2-B-25-UR).
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the OB (Office, Medical, and Related Services) zoning district and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
This proposal is for a 320-unit multi-family apartment complex on 18.31 acres and at a density of 17.48 du/ac. The development will include five 4-story and seventeen 2-story residential structures. The 4-story structures are located in the southwestern portion of the site, furthest away from the existing single-family houses to the east, and the large agricultural property to the north. The 2-story structures are townhouse-style units, where each unit has individual entrances and garages. The amenity features are located in the middle of the site, which includes a leasing office/clubhouse, outdoor pool, and fitness/cabana building. The property was rezoned from PR (Planned Residential) up to 12 du/ac to OB (Office, Medical and Related Services) in April 2024 (2-F-24-RZ).
The OB zone allows any use permitted and as regulated in the RB (General Residential) zone. The RB zone allows multifamily uses with a density above 12 du/ac as a use permitted on review subject to Article 5.13.15, which requires a development plan (subsection B). Therefore, this request requires approval of a use on review and the development plan.
This proposal assumes that Knox County will close the Hayes Road right-of-way, which runs along the southeast boundary of the development. The subject property will obtain half of that right-of-way (approximately 0.235 acres), with the property to the south obtaining the other half. If the right-of-way is not closed, the development will still meet the minimum standards of the zoning ordinance.
The TIS evaluated the development's impacts at the proposed access point on Outlet Drive, the Outlet Drive intersections at Lovell Road and Snyder Road, and the intersection of N Campbell Station Road and Snyder Road. The TIS makes the following recommendations:
1) Addition of an exclusive northbound right turn lane with storage of 100 feet and a taper length of 140 feet at the intersection of Campbell Station Road at Snyder Road; this will require removal of the concrete island and pole location to outside the intersection. This turn lane would fall within the Town of Farragut.
2) Replace a 3 section signal head for the northbound approach of Campbell Station Road at Snyder Road with a 5 section right turn signal head.
3) Addition of a westbound right turn lane with storage of 75 feet and a taper of 140 feet at the intersection of Outlet Drive at the site access. This turn lane would fall within both Knox County and the Town of Farragut.
4) Upon full buildout of the development, update the traffic signal timing at the intersections of Campbell Station Road at Snyder Road and Lovell Road at Outlet Drive. Each of these signals are in coordinated systems, so splits and offsets can be adjusted, but the overall signal system timing may remain.
5) Ensure that grading, landscaping, signing, and other site features do not restrict lines of sight exiting the development along Outlet Drive.
A closed contour on a topography map is a depression that may be an indication of a potential sinkhole. The topography layer on KGIS shows several closed contours on the site, the largest of which is labeled as a sinkhole and located in the middle of the circular driveway near the entrance (see Exhibit E). The development proposes to use this sinkhole for stormwater retention, which requires approval from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. In order to fill the other closed contours, a geotechnical study must be prepared by a professional engineer and be accepted and approved by the director of engineering and public works. If any of the closed contours are not approved to be filled, it could significantly impact the site design, requiring a new approval from the Planning Commission.
In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.
OB (Office, Medical and Related Services)
A. The OB zone allows any use permitted and as regulated in the RB zone, with the exception of height, which is regulated by the OB zone. The RB zone allows multi-family developments with a density between 12-24 du/ac with use on review approval by the Planning Commission.
B. The OB zone allows heights greater than 45 ft with approval by the Planning Commission as a use permitted on review. As a condition of the approval, the Planning Commission may require an increase in setback and/or yard requirements where appropriate (Article 5.51.09). The 4-story structures range in height from 50-52 ft to the midpoint of the roof.
C. The minimum setbacks for residential uses are regulated by the RB zone, which requires a side setback of 12 ft plus an additional 1 ft for each additional 2 ft of building height more than 36 ft. The 4-story structures range in height from 50-52 ft to the midpoint of the roof, resulting in a required side setback of 20 ft (based on the tallest building). The setbacks shown on the plan vary depending on the buildings closest to the subject lot line. The side setback on the western lot line is 20 ft, and on the east lot line it is 12 ft because the 2-story buildings are adjacent to the lot line and the 4-story structures are a significant distance away. The rear setback is based on the 2-story structures nearest to that lot line. However, all buildings would meet the setback of the tallest buildings, if required.
D. The RB zone has a maximum building coverage of 30 percent, and this proposal has 20 percent building coverage.
E. For multi-family developments with a density of 12 du/ac or more on sites of 8 to 20 acres, the RB zone requires 10 percent of the gross development area to be set aside for usable open space and recreational uses. Usable open space is not defined, but it should be accessible to the residents, large enough for passive or active uses, and, preferably, relatively flat. The development is required to have 1.83 acres of usable open space, and the provided usable open space is 2.0 acres based on the areas highlighted in purple on plan sheet C100.
A. A Type B landscape screen is provided along the east and north property boundaries as an enhanced buffer to the lower intensity uses on the adjacent properties, consistent with Implementation Policy 2 to ensure development is sensitive to existing community character.
B. The subject property is located in an area with existing infrastructure that can support the proposed apartment complex, consistent with Policy 6 to promote attainable housing that meets the needs of the current and future residents.
C. The applicant is required to make road improvements as outlined in the TIS, consistent with Policy 9 to coordinate infrastructure improvements with development. It is anticipated that the applicant will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Knox County for the improvements at the intersection of Snyder Road and N. Campbell Station Road, which is within the Town of Farragut. The applicant will pay for the improvements, and Knox County will coordinate the construction. If the applicant does not enter into an MOU for these improvements, the Town of Farragut may require a letter of credit in a dollar amount provided by the Town Engineer to ensure the completion.
The property is designated as the SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential) place type in the Comprehensive Plan (see Exhibit D). The SMR place type recommends attached residential as a "primary use," which includes duplexes, multiplexes, and townhouses that have the scale of a single family home (1-3 stories).
B. The "Implementing the Future Land Use Map" section in the Comprehensive Plan (page 28) distinguishes the role between the role of the plan and zoning ordinance. It states that the plan describes the range of land uses and development characteristics that are intended and appropriate in an area in the future, and the zoning ordinance defines land uses and development characteristics that are allowed on a specific parcel of land today.
C. The proposed 4-story structures are predominantly located in the southwest portion of the site, near the adjacent apartment complex with structures of similar scale. The 2-story townhouse structures are on the north and east portions of the site, which are compatible in scale with the single family houses to the east.
A. The property is within the Town of Farragut Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The purposes of the UGB designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote the expansion of the Town of Farragut and Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to the provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services. - This proposal is consistent with the growth policy plan.