Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of 2-D-21-IH, with the following conditions: 1) parking to meet City Engineering requirements and receive landscaping or fencing as screening to meet guidelines; 2) incorporate additional windows on west side and rear elevations; 3) use lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panels.

1218 Katherine Ave. 37921

LeeAnn and James LeeAnn and James Adkins

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to have a 15' front setback, which will maintain a consistent streetscape with the original houses on the block. The application includes a walkway from the front porch to the front property line.

2. Overall, the house is proportional to the lot and the surrounding context. The side yard setbacks of 7' on each side meet the design guidelines, keeping the rhythm of spacing between the houses consistent.

3. The application avoids the front yard for parking, using alley access for the parking pad. Parking should meet City Engineering requirements and incorporate landscaping or fencing as screening to meet guidelines.

4. The two-bay front elevation is somewhat more narrow in scale from the other houses along the street; however, the house's width is constrained by a narrow lot and the foundation height, house height, and overall massing are appropriate for the context. The adjacent house is a Queen Anne cottage with a projecting front-gable roof massing which will be reflected by the new construction.

5. The application incorporates an 8' deep front porch with square posts and a square guardrail, which meet the design guidelines.

6. One-over-one windows are similar to historic houses on the block and appropriate for the context. Additional windows should be incorporated on the west side elevation and the rear elevation to better meet the guidelines' emphasis on a ratio of solid to voids.

7. The proposed 8/12 pitch roof meets the design guidelines and the shed-roof porch contributes additional complexity to the roof. The final design should use darker shades of shingles to reflect original roofs.

8. Vinyl lap siding and a stuccoed foundation meet the design guidelines; the siding should incorporate an overlap to resemble clapboard siding instead of Dutch lap or flush panels.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Katherine Avenue. One-story residence to measure 18'-8" wide by 50' long, featuring a front-gable roof and a shed-roof porch centered on the façade. The house is proposed to be set 15' from the front porch to the front property line. Side setbacks are 7' on each side. Parking access will extend from the rear alley and consist of a parking pad with a gravel walkway to the secondary entry. A paved walkway will extend to the front property line.

The one-story house features a front-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles with an 8/12 pitch, an exterior of vinyl lap siding and a stuccoed foundation. The front porch is 8' deep by 14' wide, with a shed roof supported by 6 by 6 square columns, with a handrail of square vinyl pickets.

The façade (north) is two bays and features one 1/1 double-hung vinyl window and an entry door. The east (right) elevation features three 1/1 double-hung windows, with one additional window on the rear (south) elevation. The left side elevation features one 1/1 double-hung window and a secondary entry, accessible by pressure-treated wood steps and covered by a shed-roof awning.

Kortni Kortni Cook City of Knoxville Community Development Cit

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History