Approve the EC (Employment Center) zone because it is a minor extension of an existing business park and is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve the EC (Employment Center) zone because it is a minor extension of an existing business park and is consistent with the sector plan.
This zone provides for a wide range of agricultural and related uses as well as residential uses with low population densities and other compatible uses which generally require large areas or open spaces.
This zoning district is intended to encourage development of business parks and other employment centers that will contribute to the future economic well being of the county; to provide standards and procedures that will minimize any conflicts or adverse impacts of these developments with other properties, public roads or facilities; to provide a zoning district for use in areas meeting the locational standards for industrial parks and technology based development contained in the Knoxville-Knox County General Plan; and to provide a zoning district for business and technology park development that requires site plan review and complies with the requirements of the Farragut-Knoxville-Knox County Growth Policy Plan.
South side of Thorn Grove Pike, southeast side of Rosebud Ln
Commission District 8