$pkgArrayArray ( [0] => /mnt/stor12-wc2-dfw1/599257/agenda.knoxplanning.org/web/content/2025/february/2-SE-25-C_2-G-25-DP.pdf )
$check_fileArray ( [0] => 2/12/2025 [1] => 1 )
$tmArray ( [0] => )

Development Plan

Planning Commission


Approved with Conditions

Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision of attached dwelling units in the PR zone, and a peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 15 ft along the western and eastern boundaries, as shown on the site plan, subject to 3 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


South side of Black Rd, northeast of N Campbell Station Rd

Commission District 6

8.35 acres

Place Type Designation
RC (Rural Conservation), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)

Currently on the Property
Rural Residential, Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Rural Area

Fire Department / District
Rural Metro Fire

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision of attached dwelling units in the PR zone, and a peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 15 ft along the western and eastern boundaries, as shown on the site plan, subject to 3 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision of attached dwelling units in the PR zone, and a peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 15 ft along the western and eastern boundaries, as shown on the site plan, subject to 3 conditions.
1. No more than 22 attached dwelling units are permitted unless a new survey is approved and recorded verifying the subject property with the PR up to 2.99 du/ac zone is large enough to accommodate 1 additional attached dwelling unit.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
3. The maximum height of the attached dwellings shall be 35 feet.

In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

1) ZONING ORDINANCE, PR (Planned Residential) up to 2.99 du/ac:
A. The proposed density of 2.74 du/ac for unit 2 as well as the overall density of 2.96 du/ac for the entire subdivision is consistent with the approved PR zone of 2.99 du/ac.
B. The PR zone allows attached dwellings as a permitted use. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
C. The Planning Commission has the authority to reduce the 35-ft peripheral setback to 15 ft when adjacent to residential or agricultural zones. The requested reduction is consistent with the previously approved peripheral boundary.

A. Create neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and amenities in close proximity (Policy 5). - The development proposes a mix of single family houses and townhouses, and the property has easy vehicular access to Knoxville Christian School on Snyder Road and numerous commercial uses along Parkside Drive.
B. Encourage development practices that conserve and connect natural features and habitat (Policy 7). - The development proposes to preserve the forested area in the eastern section of the property.

A. The property has the RC (Rural Conservation) place type with the HP (Hillside Protection) designation. The land use mix of the RC place type lists detached houses as primary uses and attached houses as secondary uses. The place type requires preservation of 50% or more of open space. The calculation on the site plan indicates that 50.6% open areas will be undisturbed.
B. Approximately 9.4 acres of the property are within the Hillside Protection (HP) area. The slope analysis recommends a maximum disturbance budget of 6.3 acres, which shall be maintained per condition 9.

A. The property is within the Rural Area. The Knox County Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map shall determine land uses permitted in the Rural Area. The rural designation shall not impede the right of a property owner to use or develop the property for a purpose permitted by that property's zoning.
B. Per the recently updated Growth Policy Plan, residential development in the Rural Area shall be limited to 2 du/ac. However, the property was rezoned to PR at 2.99 du/ac prior to the amendment to the plan and the rezoning (2-D-24-RZ, 2-A-24-SP) was consistent with the former Growth Policy Plan that allowed subdivisions with up to 3 du/ac provided the property met certain standards, such as utility connection and adequate road infrastructure.

What's next?

Planning Commission decisions on Development Plans (DP) are final unless appealed.

Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).


Black Ridge Pointe subdivision

Justin Breiner

Case History