Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends postponement of Certificate 2-G-25-IH to allow the applicant to select another plan which more clearly meets the design guidelines (specifically, requirements of the base zoning, building width and depth, porch, parking, and window placement).
OwnerAntares LLC Antares LLC
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The front setback of the house is not specified. The final site plan should be revised so that the front walkway connects to both the street and the driveway.
2. The block to receive new construction lacks significant context, as almost all the houses on the street are infill construction, interspersed with Minimal Traditionals and vacant lots . The 28' wide by 27'-2" deep house is not proportionate to the other houses on the block. The infill houses are rectangular in plan and are approximately 28' wide and 40' deep or 44' wide and 28' deep, and most nearby houses on 40' wide lots range in width from 16'-25.' The house also does not meet the minimum side setbacks required by the base zoning, so a variance would be required if this plan moves forward, and the rear setback requirements would allow for a house with a narrower width and larger depth.
3. Infill Housing design guidelines recommend that on lots without alleys, new driveways should be at least 20' behind the front façade of the infill house with access limited to one lane between the street and the front façade. Parking is a concrete pad located in front of the house and accessed via a driveway from Divide Street. Parking should be revised to avoid the front yard.
4. The two-story, three-bay façade is not similar in scale and height to the context, which almost exclusively features one-story houses with balanced façades.
5. The house features a 6'-8" wide, 4'-4" deep front porch recessed under a front-gable roof and supported by two square wood posts. Guidelines state that front porches should be proportional to other houses on the block and at least 8' deep. The porch depth should be revised to at least 8', and the porch width should be increased to be proportional to the other houses on the block.
6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar to historic houses on the block, with similar placement and ratio of solid to void. The façade should be revised to avoid the half-shutter on the left first story window. The 4/4 single-hung windows are compatible with the 6/6 single-hung windows on most houses in the block, and the façade and rear elevations feature a sufficient ratio of solid to void. However, the house features five different window sizes, and the windows are placed at different heights on the side elevations, leaving large swaths of siding. The window sizes and placement should be revised to be more cohesive. The paneled door flanked with sidelights is appropriate.
7. The 6/12 roof pitch is the minimum typically approved for Infill Housing.
8. The asphalt shingles and horizontal vinyl siding meet the design guidelines, but the siding should be clapboard-style with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding. The foundation appears to be a concrete slab, which should be clad in stucco or parge-coated to meet the design guidelines.
9. The final site plan should be revised to include a native or naturalized shade tree in the front and back yards.
Staff Comments
New primary structure fronting Divide Street. Two story residence features a hipped roof (6/12 pitch), an exterior of horizontal vinyl siding, and a foundation of an unspecified material that appears to be a concrete slab. The house is 28' wide by 27'-2" deep, and the front setback is unspecified. It features a 6'-8" wide, 4'-4" deep front porch recessed under a front-gable roof and supported by two square wood posts. Parking is a 10' wide (depth unspecified) concrete driveway in front of the house and is accessed from Divide Street.
The façade (northeast) features three bays, with the front porch and a paneled door flanked by sidelights in the left bay, two 4/4 single-hung windows with shutters on each story in the middle bay, and a swath of siding with the profile of a projecting massing on the right elevation in the right bay. The side elevations each feature one 4/4 single-hung window on each story, which are not organized into bays. The right elevation also features a one-story, 4' wide by 1'-4" deep projecting massing with a front-gable roof. The rear elevation features a projecting hipped roof massing with two 4/4 single-hung windows on each story, and the left bay features an uncovered secondary entrance and stoop with a glass sliding door and one window on the second story.