Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1219 New York Ave

George and Anna George and Anna Fagan

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure: Additions visible from the primary street
Staff Comments
Plot Plan-- Setback on Burnside Street shall be 12' and on New York Avenue the set backshall be 19'. A 60' side yard setback will be used on the intyerior lot side. The parking shall be access from the alley. The porch shall be 8' deep and have a walkway that connects the front steps to the existing sidewalk along New York Avenue. An existing tree in the front yard shall be protected.

Architectural Elevations -- The roof shalll have asphalt shingles, a 10/12 roof pitch, a front gable facing New York Avenue. The siding will be vinyl horizontal siding and the porch posts shall be turned victorian 5"x5" posts. The front door and double window are recessed to face the front porch.

Todd Todd Kennedy City City

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History