Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 2-I-25-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) a window be added to the rear elevation; 3) final site plan to include a tree in the front and back yards; 4) all elevations to use the same siding material.
OwnerJosh Josh Braden - Braden Family Properties LLC Braden Fami
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The house is proposed to be set 31.2' from the front lot line. The average front setback of the blockface is 25.1', with the adjacent house at 24'. The house should be moved towards the front property line to align with the front setback pattern of the street. The site plan incorporates a walkway from the porch to the street.
2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by Craftsman bungalows, modified Queen Anne cottages, and Minimal Traditionals. The proposed house is proportionate to the dimensions of the lot and to other houses on the block.
3. Parking is a concrete pad at the rear of the property and is accessed from the alley, which meets the design guidelines.
4. The three-bay façade is similar in height and scale to the context.
5. The house features a half-length, 8' deep front porch recessed under a partial-hipped roof and supported by two 6" square posts, which meets the design guidelines.
6. The 1/1 double-hung windows and paneled door match the context. The façade and side elevations feature sufficient transparency, but one window should be added to the rear elevation, to avoid large swaths of blank siding.
7. The 10/12 pitch front-gable roof is sufficiently steep for the context, and the design benefits from the complexity of the telescoped, projecting front-gable massings, the eave overhangs, and trim.
8. The dimensional shingles, fiber cement lap siding, and concrete block foundation clad in brick veneer all meet the design guidelines. The shake siding in the gable fields should be included in the final construction. The side elevations indicate vinyl siding. All elevations should use the same material.
9. The final site plan should include a native or naturalized shade tree in the front and back yards.
Staff Comments
New primary structure fronting Connecticut Avenue. One and a half story residence features a front gable roof (10/12 pitch), an exterior of fiber cement lap siding with a wood grain finish , and a concrete block foundation clad in brick veneer. The house is 28' wide by 62' deep and will be set 31.2' from the front lot line. It features a partial-width, 8' deep front porch recessed under a hipped roof and supported by two 6" square posts. Parking is a 20' by 20' concrete pad at the rear of the property and is accessed via the alley.
The façade (southeast) features three bays, with two 1/1 double-hung windows on the left bay, a paneled front door in the center bay, and a projecting front-gable massing with two 1/1 double-hung windows in the right bay. The facade features another front-gable massing in the center and right bays, and all of the gable fields are clad in faux shake siding. The right elevation features three 1/1 double-hung windows, and the left elevation features four 1/1 double-hung windows. The rear elevation features a secondary entrance behind an 18' wide by 8' deep screened porch and is devoid of windows.