Property Information
LocationSouthern boundary is Tennessee River, to the west generally one parcel deep off of Henley St & S Broadway, to the north the Norfolk Southern RR (with the extension of one parcel east & west of Gay St. to Magnolia Ave), and to the east James White ROW
Council District 6 & 1
Size415 acres
Planning SectorCentral City
Currently on the Property
Commercial, Residential, Office, Industrial
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
current zonings with D-1 Downtown Design Overlay and adopting the Downtown Design Guidelines
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE D-1 (Downtown Design Overlay) District and
ADOPT the Downtown Design Guidelines
The Guidelines have been drafted to respect the existing downtown qualities, community desires and to provide provisions for both public and private improvements. The Downtown Improvement Strategy (March 2005) made the recommendation for downtown design guidelines.