Property Information
LocationResidential uses within Oakwood-Lincoln Park community east of I-275, southeast of Sharp?s Ridge, northwest of parcels south side parcels on Woodland Avenue, and northwest of N. Broadway.
Council District 5
Planning SectorCentral City
Currently on the Property
Residential, commercial, office, and industrial uses
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
current zoning with IH-1 Infill Housing Overlay
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE the IH-1 (Infill Housing Overlay) for all of the subject parcels.
The IH-1 overlay was specifically created for older neighborhoods such as Oakwood-Lincoln Park. The overlay district is intended to foster infill residential development and major additions that are compatible with the design of original houses in older Knoxville neighborhoods, particularly those built prior to 1950 along grid streets that often had sidewalks and alleys. The impetus for MPC's creation of this zoning overlay came from The Oakwood- Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association who was seeking additional zoning protection for their neighborhood.