Property Information
Southeast side of Millertown Pk, west of Robin Ben Ln
Commission District 8
Size14.20 acres
Place Type DesignationRC (Rural Conservation)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Outside City Limits)
Fire Department / DistrictRural Metro Fire
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterNortheast Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the alternative design standards based on the justifications provided by the applicant and the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the Concept Plan, subject to 7 conditions, With the modification of condition #5 to read:
"If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary as caused by this development, the developer will either enter an (memorandum of understanding) MOU with the county for these improvements or reimburse the county for their direct expenses (if competed by county crews) to make corrections deemed necessary."
Staff Recommendation
Approve the alternative design standards based on the justifications provided by the applicant and the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the Concept Plan, subject to 7 conditions.
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting other relevant utility provider requirements.
2. Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establish a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, private roads, and/or stormwater drainage systems.
4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
5. If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter an (Memorandum of Understanding) MOU with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if competed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
6. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County zoning ordinance.
7. Providing guest parking as shown on the concept plan. Adjustments to the guest parking location may be approved by Planning staff during the design plan phase.
This is a request for a 56-lot, attached residential subdivision that will be accessed off of Millertown Pike west of Robin Ben Lane.