Property Information
Location7615 TWIN OAK LN
West side of Tazewell Pike, south side of Twin Oak Ln
Commission District 8
Size33.96 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerHallsdale-Powell Utility District
WaterHallsdale-Powell Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the requested variance to reduce the minimum intersection spacing along Twin Oak Lane, between the centerlines of Road 'V' and Road 'W', from 125 ft to 81.96 ft, based on the following evidence of hardship.
a. The irregular shape and width of t
Staff Recommendation
Approve the requested variance to reduce the minimum intersection spacing along Twin Oak Lane, between the centerlines of Road 'V' and Road 'W', from 125 ft to 81.96 ft, based on the following evidence of hardship.
a. The irregular shape and width of t
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Implementing the recommendations of the Twin Oak Landing Subdivision Traffic Impact Study (Fulghum MacIndoe, 8/10/2020) and Traffic Impact Letter (Ardurra, 1/19/2024) per the requirements of Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase. Construction of the left turn lane from Tazewell Pike to Twin Oak Lane and the deceleration lane for the Gibbs Elementary School driveway as required by the Tennessee Department of Transportation and the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works. See Exhibits B and C for the conclusions and recommendations of the two referenced traffic studies.
4. A Memorandum of Understanding with Knox County Engineering and Public Works is required per Chapter 54, Article V of the Knox County Code (Ord. O-23-4-102) for road improvements within existing public right-of-way.
5. Widening the full length of the existing Twin Oak Lane as required by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works. The widening of the road is to be to the south side of the road, as proposed in the Concept Plan.
6. Platting a minimum 20-ft wide common area for pedestrian access to the Edwards Place Subdivision, between lots 70 and 71, and the Gibbs Elementary School property, between lots 24-35.
7. Providing sidewalks per the requirements of the Knox County sidewalk ordinance, Chapter 54, Article V of the Knox County Code, and construction of the pedestrian accesses referenced in condition #6 above. All sidewalks not required by the sidewalk ordinance must be maintained by the homeowner's association unless otherwise agreed upon by Knox County Engineering and Public Works.
8. Platting the 30-ft greenway easement as shown on the Concept Plan or as otherwise required by the Knox County Department of Parks and Recreation and the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
9. Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
10. Place a note on the final plat that all lots will have access only to the internal street system.
11. Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establish a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, private roads, and/or stormwater drainage systems.