$pkgArrayArray ( [0] => /mnt/stor12-wc2-dfw1/599257/agenda.knoxplanning.org/web/content/2025/february/2-SD-25-C_2-F-25-DP.pdf ) $check_fileArray ( [0] => 2/6/2025 [1] => 1 ) $pkg[0]/mnt/stor12-wc2-dfw1/599257/agenda.knoxplanning.org/web/content/2025/february/2-SD-25-C_2-F-25-DP.pdf$temp$tmp$tmArray ( [0] => ) $filename


Concept Plan


Approved with Conditions

Approve the variance to reduce the K value of road 'A' from 25 to 20 at PVI station 0+28.10, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A. The property is encumbered by a 75-ft drainage easement and 150-ft TVA powerline easement which substantially reduce the effective developable area of the property.
B. The easements are unique to the property and the shallowness and slope of the developable area makes it challenging to meet the K value requirement.
C. Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare as there are no apparent sight-distance issues on Dry Gap Pike and no through connectivity via this private road.

Approve the variance to reduce the minimum right-of-way width of private road 'B' from 50 ft to 33.4 ft where the right-of-way abuts the public right-of-way of Dry Gap Pike.
A. The property is encumbered by a 75-ft drainage easement and 150-ft TVA powerline easement which substantially reduce the effective developable area of the property.
B. The easements are unique to the property and the shallowness of the developable area makes it challenging to meet the required width.
C. Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare as the requested location is at the terminus of this dead-end private road.

Approve the requested alternative design standards as recommended by the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department.

Approve the concept plan, subject to 6 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

0 Dry Gap Pike
6 (Split)
Proposed Density
2.7 du/ac


1. Reduce the minimum vertical curve (sag) K value from 25 to 20 at PVI STA 0+28.10 on private road 'A'.
2. Reduce the minimum right-of-way width of private road 'B' from 50 ft to 33.4 ft where the right-of-way abuts the public right-of-way of Dry Gap Pike.

1. Reduce the street frontage of the proposed lots from 25 ft to 22 ft.
2. Reduce the pavement width of private roads 'A' and 'B' from 26 ft to 24 ft.

1. Reduce the minimum right-of-way width of private roads 'A' and 'B' from 50 ft to 40 ft.
2. Increase the maximum road grade of road 'A' from 1% to 2% at its intersections with Dry Gap Pike and road 'B'.
3. Reduce the corner radius from 25' to 15' for road 'A' at its intersections with Dry Gap Pike and road 'B'.

Property Information


East side of Dry Gap Pike, north of Rifle Range Dr

Commission District 7

2.17 acres

Place Type Designation
SR (Suburban Residential)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Fire Department / District
Rural Metro Fire

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the variance to reduce the K value of road 'A' from 25 to 20 at PVI station 0+28.10, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A. The property is encumbered by a 75-ft drainage easement and 150-ft TVA powerline easement which substantially reduce the effective developable area of the property.
B. The easements are unique to the property and the shallowness and slope of the developable area makes it challenging to meet the K value requirement.
C. Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare as there are no apparent sight-distance issues on Dry Gap Pike and no through connectivity via this private road.

Approve the variance to reduce the minimum right-of-way width of private road 'B' from 50 ft to 33.4 ft where the right-of-way abuts the public right-of-way of Dry Gap Pike.
A. The property is encumbered by a 75-ft drainage easement and 150-ft TVA powerline easement which substantially reduce the effective developable area of the property.
B. The easements are unique to the property and the shallowness of the developable area makes it challenging to meet the required width.
C. Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare as the requested location is at the terminus of this dead-end private road.

Approve the requested alternative design standards as recommended by the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department.

Approve the concept plan, subject to 6 conditions.

Staff Recommendation
Approve the variance to reduce the K value of road 'A' from 25 to 20 at PVI station 0+28.10, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A. The property is encumbered by a 75-ft drainage easement and 150-ft TVA powerline easement which substantially reduce the effective developable area of the property.
B. The easements are unique to the property and the shallowness and slope of the developable area makes it challenging to meet the K value requirement.
C. Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare as there are no apparent sight-distance issues on Dry Gap Pike and no through connectivity via this private road.

Approve the variance to reduce the minimum right-of-way width of private road 'B' from 50 ft to 33.4 ft where the right-of-way abuts the public right-of-way of Dry Gap Pike.
A. The property is encumbered by a 75-ft drainage easement and 150-ft TVA powerline easement which substantially reduce the effective developable area of the property.
B. The easements are unique to the property and the shallowness of the developable area makes it challenging to meet the required width.
C. Approval of the variance is not anticipated to be detrimental to public safety, health, or welfare as the requested location is at the terminus of this dead-end private road.

Approve the requested alternative design standards as recommended by the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department.

Approve the concept plan, subject to 6 conditions.
1. Ensuring connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant utility provider requirements.
2. Providing street names that are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, including, but not limited to, verifying that the intersections have the required turning radii for large vehicles such as a fire truck or bus.
5. Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establishing a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, private roads, and/or stormwater drainage systems.
6. If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary, the developer will either enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if completed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
The applicant proposes to subdivide this 2.2-acre property into 6 lots for attached dwellings. There is a 75-ft drainage easement and a 150-ft TVA easement running side-by-side through the middle of the property which essentially splits the property into two developable parts. The townhouses are proposed along the front portion of the property. A sidewalk is proposed to connect these units to the Sterchi Greenway that crosses the property between the TVA power lines.

Both variances are requested because of the existing easements that have reduced the developable portion of the property. The first variance is to reduce the K value of road 'A', which expresses the abruptness of the grade change in a single value. For subdivisions in Knox County, Article 3.04.I.4.b of the Subdivision Regulations requires a minimum K value of 25 for local streets. The second variance is to reduce the right-of-way width of road 'B'. Article 3.04.D.3.a of the Subdivision Regulations requires a minimum width of 50 ft for a private right-of-way serving six or more lots. For subdivisions in Knox County, the Engineering & Public Works Department can reduce the required width to 40 ft as an alternative design standard. A reduction to less than 40 ft, which is required for the western terminus of road 'B' at the pinch point where the property meets Dry Gap Pike, warrants a variance approval by the Planning Commission.

One of the two alternative design standard requests requiring Planning Commission approval is the reduction of street frontage for all six lots from 25 ft to 22 ft. The Planning Commission may approve a reduction of the lot frontage subject to the following requirements (Sub Reg 3.03.B.2) - all lots shall have a minimum front yard setback of 20 ft and guest parking shall be provided throughout the development. The subject lots meet the minimum front setback requirements and two guest parking spaces are provided within the right-of-way of road 'B'.

What's next?

Because of its location in the COUNTY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission.
Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

0 Dry Gap Pike

Mesana Investments, LLC

Case History