Plan Amendment

Northeast County Sector Plan Amendment


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

APPROVE LDR (Low Density Residential)

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

7115 Roberts Rd

West side of Roberts Rd., north of Washington Pike.

Commission District 8

20 acres

Place Type Designation
Agricultural / Rural Residential

Currently on the Property
Vacant land.

Growth Plan
Rural Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
DENY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) sector plan amendment.
The sector plan amendment should be denied because: 1) LDR development at this location would be out of character with the surrounding agricultural and rural residential area. 2) Approval of LDR would be an example of a "spot" sector plan amendment and would allow development not permitted on surrounding properties. 3) The overall roadway and utility system for this area is not suited to development at greater than rural residential densities.
Disposition Summary
APPROVE LDR (Low Density Residential)

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Plan Amendment case in the County was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - April 13, 2002 has passed.

Jon Wehrenberg

Case History