Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


Replacement of existing signs and installation of one new wall sign and two new window signs.

Replacement of two existing wall signs on the east and west elevations of the building. These are the same as approved replacement in COA 12-B-18-DT. The signs are internally illuminated channel letters and logo, and 19'-1" wide by 14'-11 1/16" tall.

Replacement of two existing illuminated entrance signs with new illuminated entrance signs in the same location, as shown in the attachment. The signs are 24" wide by 24" tall.

Replacement of the existing entrance plaque attached to the ground floor of the building, to the east of the main entrance. The sign is non-illuminated and 3'-0" wide by 2'-0" tall.

Installation of new window signs attached to both of the main entrance doors. Each will be 1'-8 3/8" wide by 7 3/4" tall. The signs will each be less than 30 percent of the window area allows by the guidelines.

Installation of one new wall sign at the top of the south (Summit Hill Dr) elevation. It will be attached above the windows on the top floor and below the top of the parapet. It will be constructed of internally illuminated channel letters and logo. The logo will be 10'-2 15/16" wide by 4'-4 11/16" tall, and the letters will be 30'-7 1/2" wide by 36" tall. The total width of the sign will be 42'-4 1/4".

401 W Summit Hill Dr

Applicant Request
Replacement of existing signs and installation of one new wall sign and two new window signs.

Replacement of two existing wall signs on the east and west elevations of the building. These are the same as approved replacement in COA 12-B-18-DT. The signs are internally illuminated channel letters and logo, and 19'-1" wide by 14'-11 1/16" tall.

Replacement of two existing illuminated entrance signs with new illuminated entrance signs in the same location, as shown in the attachment. The signs are 24" wide by 24" tall.

Replacement of the existing entrance plaque attached to the ground floor of the building, to the east of the main entrance. The sign is non-illuminated and 3'-0" wide by 2'-0" tall.

Installation of new window signs attached to both of the main entrance doors. Each will be 1'-8 3/8" wide by 7 3/4" tall. The signs will each be less than 30 percent of the window area allows by the guidelines.

Installation of one new wall sign at the top of the south (Summit Hill Dr) elevation. It will be attached above the windows on the top floor and below the top of the parapet. It will be constructed of internally illuminated channel letters and logo. The logo will be 10'-2 15/16" wide by 4'-4 11/16" tall, and the letters will be 30'-7 1/2" wide by 36" tall. The total width of the sign will be 42'-4 1/4".

Case History