Plan Amendment

South County Sector Plan Amendment


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Adopt Resolution # 3-A-19-SP, amending the South County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) / HP (Hillside Protection). (See attached resolution, Exhibit A)

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

0 Chapman Highway

Northeast of Chapman Highway, northwest of E. Governor John Sevier Highway

Commission District 9
Census Tract 55.01

0.64 acres

Place Type Designation

Currently on the Property
Agriculture / Forestry /Vacant

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Outside City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Adopt Resolution # 3-A-19-SP, amending the South County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) / HP (Hillside Protection). (See attached resolution, Exhibit A)
Staff Recommendation
Adopt Resolution # 3-A-19-SP, amending the South County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial). (See attached resolution, Exhibit A.)
On April 16, 2019, the applicant modified their request to a smaller area that is approximately 0.64 acres immediately adjacent the existing sector plan designation of the GC (General Commercial) corridor along Chapman Highway. This minor extension of GC, could be considered a omission in the plan, on a small portion of the parcel that allows for commercial development of the property. This still allows for retention of the existing transistional land use designation of MDR/O (Medium Density Residential/Office) on the parcel between the commercial corridor and the residential neighborhood.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Plan Amendment case in the COUNTY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - September 7, 2019 has passed.

Nader Mubarak

Case History