Building Permit


Approved with conditions

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

Details of Action

APPROVAL of the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:

1) Approve the waiver for to allow 1.5 footcandles (fc) along sidewalks to minimize trip hazards and provide additional security.
2) Approve the waiver for lighting to allow 1.7 fc at both the Cornerstone Drive entrance and Murdock Drive entrance to provide additional security and safety.

APPROVAL of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to the following conditions:

1) Obtaining approval from the Planning Commission for the proposed development as a use on review. The Planning Commission approved the apartment complex as a use on review at its March 11, 2021 meeting.
2) Connecting the development to sanitary sewer, as well as meeting other applicable requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
3) Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing system Ordinance (Ord. 91-1-102).
4) Installing all landscaping, as shown on the landscape plan, within six months of issuance of occupancy permits for the project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, to guarantee such installation.
5) Implementation of the street and intersection improvements and recommendations outlined in the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Canon & Canon and approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works and Planning staff. The design details and timing of the installation of the improvements shall be worked out with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works during the design plan stage for the subdivision.
6) Installation of all sidewalks as identified on the concept plan or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works in an amount sufficient to guarantee such installation. Sidewalks shall meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
7) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
8) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
9) Review and approval by the Knox County Fire Marshal's Office.

Applicant Request



1) Waiver to allow 1.5 footcandles (fc) along sidewalks.
2) Waiver to allow 1.7 fc at both the Cornerstone Drive and Murdock Drive entrances.

Property Information

875 Cornerstone Dr.

West of Pellissippi Parkway on the northeast side of Cornerstone Road, the northwest side of Murdock Drive, and the east side of Lovell Road

Commission District 6

12.35 acres

Currently on the Property
Soccer fields and vacant land

Case Notes


Details of Action
APPROVAL of the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:

1) Approve the waiver for to allow 1.5 footcandles (fc) along sidewalks to minimize trip hazards and provide additional security.
2) Approve the waiver for lighting to allow 1.7 fc at both the Cornerstone Drive entrance and Murdock Drive entrance to provide additional security and safety.

APPROVAL of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to the following conditions:

1) Obtaining approval from the Planning Commission for the proposed development as a use on review. The Planning Commission approved the apartment complex as a use on review at its March 11, 2021 meeting.
2) Connecting the development to sanitary sewer, as well as meeting other applicable requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
3) Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing system Ordinance (Ord. 91-1-102).
4) Installing all landscaping, as shown on the landscape plan, within six months of issuance of occupancy permits for the project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, to guarantee such installation.
5) Implementation of the street and intersection improvements and recommendations outlined in the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Canon & Canon and approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works and Planning staff. The design details and timing of the installation of the improvements shall be worked out with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works during the design plan stage for the subdivision.
6) Installation of all sidewalks as identified on the concept plan or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works in an amount sufficient to guarantee such installation. Sidewalks shall meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
7) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
8) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
9) Review and approval by the Knox County Fire Marshal's Office.
Staff Recommendation
Based on the application and plans as submitted and revised, Staff recommends the following actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:

1) Approve the waiver for to allow 1.5 footcandles (fc) along sidewalks to minimize trip hazards and provide additional security.
2) Approve the waiver for lighting to allow 1.7 fc at both the Cornerstone Drive entrance and Murdock Drive entrance to provide additional security and safety.

Based on the application and plans as submitted and revised, Staff recommends APPROVAL of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to the following conditions:

1) Obtaining approval from the Planning Commission for the proposed development as a use on review.
2) Connecting the development to sanitary sewer, as well as meeting other applicable requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
3) Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing system Ordinance (Ord. 91-1-102).
4) Installing all landscaping, as shown on the landscape plan, within six months of issuance of occupancy permits for the project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, to guarantee such installation.
5) Implementation of the street and intersection improvements and recommendations outlined in the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Canon & Canon and approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works and Planning staff. The design details and timing of the installation of the improvements shall be worked out with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works during the design plan stage for the subdivision.
6) Installation of all sidewalks as identified on the concept plan or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works in an amount sufficient to guarantee such installation. Sidewalks shall meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
7) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
8) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
9) Review and approval by the Knox County Fire Marshal's Office.

875 Cornerstone Multifamily Development