Special Use


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the request for a two-family dwelling in the RN-2 zone, subject to 6 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

2332 Robinson Rd.

South side of Robinson Road, south of Tori Road

Council District 3

0.39 acres

Planning Sector
Northwest County

Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential) LDR (Low Density Residential)

Currently on the Property
SFR (Single Family Residential)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Approve the request for a two-family dwelling in the RN-2 zone, subject to 6 conditions.
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance and zoning interpretations by the City's Plans Review and Inspections Department.
3. Site distance would need to be evaluated by a design professional to ensure safety for traffic traveling from the East to West for all driveways.
4. Robinson Rd is a collector so backing of vehicles would not be allowed in ROW. Turnaround space for all required vehicle parking is required to be shown.
5. All existing conditions (driveways, sheds, etc.) should be shown and be indicated to remain or be removed.
6. Proximity of driveways to Tori Rd are not shown. The driveway placement should be moved to the far east portion of the lot to minimize traffic and safety conflicts. Alternatively, a design professional could be consulted to evaluate the safety of the placement of the driveways as currently proposed. (Site distance evaluation should be for final proposal of driveway locations).

With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the RN-2 District and the criteria for approval of a special use.
Disposition Summary
Approve the request for a two-family dwelling in the RN-2 zone, subject to 6 conditions.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
Planning Commission decisions on Special Use (SU) cases are final unless appealed.

SU cases do not move forward to City Council unless the request is to remove a planned district designation from the zoning map.


T. Dean LaRue

Case History