Details of Action
Approve the One Year Plan Update, with amendments as follows:
1) On page 11 of the Plan Update, the ""Permitted Zoning Districts" subsection of the "Low Density Residential (LDR)" section shall be revised to reflect, "Areas should be zoned AG, EN, RN-1, RN-2, or RN-3 as appropriate and provided for under the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance."
2) On page 12 of the Plan Update, the "Permitted Zoning Districts" subsection of the "Medium Density Residential (MDR)" section shall be revised to reflect, "Areas should be zoned RN-4 or RN-5 as appropriate and provided for under the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance. RN-1, RN-2, and RN-3 may also be considered."
3) On page 13 of the Plan Update, the "Permitted Zoning Districts" subsection of the "High Density Residential (HDR)" section shall be revised to reflect, "Areas should be zoned RN-6, RN-7, or DK as appropriate and provided for under the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance. RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, RN-4, and RN-5 may also be considered."
4) On page 44 & 45 of the Plan Update, in Appendix B-Land Use Classifications, RN-3 shall be added as a permitted zone for Low Density Residential (LDR) and RN-5 shall be added as a permitted zone for Medium Density Residential (MDR).