Alley Closure
See agency comments and recommendations below
Property Info
Case Notes
What's next?
Applicant Request
− +Close Alley
From East side of Middlebrook Pike
Broome Road NW
Broome Road NW
To Cavet Station Greenway
Ten Mile Greenway
Ten Mile Greenway
Reason for Closure
Knoxville Utilities Board applies to close the right of way for construction of a replacement sewer pumping station, for the existing sewer pumping station.
Comments / Recommendations
The applicant is requesting to close a portion of the N Gallaher View Road right-of-way between Broome Road and the Ten Mile Greenway. The Knoxville Utility Board (KUB) recently acquired approximately 0.51 acres of right-of-way from the TN Department of Transportation (TDOT) (see parcel exhibit with the application). The applicant is requesting to close a sliver of right-of-way along the northeast boundary of that newly acquired area.
The following departments and organizations had these comments:
- Planning: Planning has no objections to this closure. Once the deed is recorded and the parcel created on KGIS, it will receive the zoning that is adjacent to it. In this case, the property would be partially zoned AG and RN-6 with the F (Floodplain Overlay) running through it. Per Article 3.2.B.1, Interpretation of Boundary Lines, when a district boundary line along a right-of-way, the boundary of that zone is the centerline of the ROW. The ROW designation on the zoning map is only for visualization purposes and is a layer shown on top of the zoning. Therefore, if a ROW is closed, that visual representation on the map is removed and the zoning remains. Additionally, since KUB is a government-owned utility, they are excluded from the requirements of the zoning ordinance, per Article 1.3.A.
- KUB: No comments were submitted as KUB is the applicant.
- City of Knoxville Engineering: City Engineering has no objections to the closure. Should this right-of-way be closed, the City will reserve easements for all drainage facilities and utilities, if there are any current facilities, located in or within five (5) feet of the property described herein. No easements are reserved if there are no current facilities within the closure area. If any existing facilities or utilities are found not feasible to the site development or use, they may be removed and relocated, subject to City Engineering and/or other applicable easement holder review and approval.
- TDOT: TDOT takes no objection to this request. The ROW requested at this location was purchased in 1999 by the State as part of the Gallaher View Road Collector. Gallaher View Road and Walker Springs Road are not owned, operated, or maintained by the Department. From review, the Right-of-Way purchased had no restrictions (such as control access). Any change to Right of Way at this location would fall to the purview of the City of Knoxville for appropriate jurisdiction.
- Addressing: Addressing takes no issue with the closure.
- Fire Department: Fire Department access approved.
- AT&T: We do have a conflict with this ROW closure. We have a major duct run that is placed through that ROW. We will need a 10-ft utility easement to maintain our existing facilities and need a path for future growth. The approximate location of our duct run is shown on the attached document, but we can have USIC locate it to determine a more accurate location (see map submitted with AT&T's comments).
The applicant is requesting to close a portion of the N Gallaher View Road right-of-way between Broome Road and the Ten Mile Greenway. The Knoxville Utility Board (KUB) recently acquired approximately 0.51 acres of right-of-way from the TN Department of Transportation (TDOT) (see parcel exhibit with the application). The applicant is requesting to close a sliver of right-of-way along the northeast boundary of that newly acquired area.
The following departments and organizations had these comments:
- Planning: Planning has no objections to this closure. Once the deed is recorded and the parcel created on KGIS, it will receive the zoning that is adjacent to it. In this case, the property would be partially zoned AG and RN-6 with the F (Floodplain Overlay) running through it. Per Article 3.2.B.1, Interpretation of Boundary Lines, when a district boundary line along a right-of-way, the boundary of that zone is the centerline of the ROW. The ROW designation on the zoning map is only for visualization purposes and is a layer shown on top of the zoning. Therefore, if a ROW is closed, that visual representation on the map is removed and the zoning remains. Additionally, since KUB is a government-owned utility, they are excluded from the requirements of the zoning ordinance, per Article 1.3.A.
- KUB: No comments were submitted as KUB is the applicant.
- City of Knoxville Engineering: City Engineering has no objections to the closure. Should this right-of-way be closed, the City will reserve easements for all drainage facilities and utilities, if there are any current facilities, located in or within five (5) feet of the property described herein. No easements are reserved if there are no current facilities within the closure area. If any existing facilities or utilities are found not feasible to the site development or use, they may be removed and relocated, subject to City Engineering and/or other applicable easement holder review and approval.
- TDOT: TDOT takes no objection to this request. The ROW requested at this location was purchased in 1999 by the State as part of the Gallaher View Road Collector. Gallaher View Road and Walker Springs Road are not owned, operated, or maintained by the Department. From review, the Right-of-Way purchased had no restrictions (such as control access). Any change to Right of Way at this location would fall to the purview of the City of Knoxville for appropriate jurisdiction.
- Addressing: Addressing takes no issue with the closure.
- Fire Department: Fire Department access approved.
- AT&T: We do have a conflict with this ROW closure. We have a major duct run that is placed through that ROW. We will need a 10-ft utility easement to maintain our existing facilities and need a path for future growth. The approximate location of our duct run is shown on the attached document, but we can have USIC locate it to determine a more accurate location (see map submitted with AT&T's comments).
Property Information
− +Location
Planning Sector
0 Unnamed alley
Council District 2
Planning Sector
Northwest City
What's next?
− +- Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
Herschel Hall, Knoxville Utilities Board
Case History
- January 16, 2025
Date Filed
- February 1, 2025
by the Planning Commission