Design Review Board

Edgewood Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-B-21-IH, with the condition that the porch gable retain a square or rectangular louvered vent.

2337 Money Place 37917

Ray Ray Tallent

Applicant Request
Changes to porches visible from the primary street
1. Review of this work is after-the-fact; the original porch was removed and has already been partially reconstructed. The front porch reconstruction maintains the overall existing footprint and design of the existing, including the porch roof extending in the same placement and pitch as the house's primary gable. Placement of the new porch is appropriate.

2. The new porch will be clad in vinyl siding on the gable, and be supported by three 6" by 6" wood posts instead of four (as previous). The modification from 4 to 3 porch posts meets the design guidelines and does not detract from the house's overall integrity. The design should retain a square or rectangular louvered vent in the gable.

3. The rear deck is modest in size and scale and meets the design guidelines.

Staff Comments
Reconstruction of front porch. Porch will reflect existing foundation and footprint, measuring 26' wide (extending full length of façade) and 10' deep. Porch features front-gable roof flush with primary front-gable roofline. Porch gable will be clad in vinyl lap siding and be supported by three square 6" x 6" posts (previous porch featured lap-siding in gable and four square posts). The porch will feature a 36" tall balustrade of square wood 2" by 2" pickets on the left side.

A new wood 8' wide by 10' deep deck will project from the rear elevation.

Case History