Design Review Board
Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-C-21-IH, with the following conditions:
1) Include a walkway from the street to the front door;
2) Parking and access to extend from the alley, receive landscaping screening or fencing to meet design guidelines, and meet City Engineering standards, with submission of a revised site plan to staff;
3) Use horizontal lap siding with an overlap (to reflect wood clapboard) instead of flush horizontal siding or Dutch lap;
4) Use a square or rectangular gable vent instead of round;
5) Incorporate one native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards on the final site plan.
Location 230 Cedar Ave. 37917
OwnerHeraclio Heraclio Limon
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The proposed setback is 25' to the front porch, which projects 5' from the primary house's massing (with an additional 2' recessed into the left side of the house). The average front setback along this block is 30.5'. While the adjacent property at 226 Cedar Avenue is recessed substantially behind the main streetscape and should not be used as a reference, the proposed setback is in line with the surrounding properties at 222 and 234 Cedar Avenue. The proposed 25' to the front porch/30' to the primary residence will create a consistent streetscape. The final site plan should include a walkway from the street to the front door.
2. Parking is proposed to extend off Cedar Avenue. This block has an operable alley; parking should extend off the alley. Per City Engineering, a culvert will be required for drainage, (15' minimum diameter), and the parking should be a min. 18' by 18' parking pad or a 10' by 35' min. driveway to accommodate the required parking spaces. Parking should receive screening or landscaping to meet design guidelines.
3. The block to receive the new house is characterized by one-story, rectangular Minimal Traditionals, Craftsman bungalows, and some infill construction. The one-story, rectangular house is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and the other houses on the block. A revised site plan (removing the front-access parking) will be necessary to show side setbacks as consistent with the context.
4. The one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale to houses on the block. The porch roofs and bays provide additional complexity to the façade. The house incorporates a brick-clad raised foundation, which meets guidelines.
5. The porch meets design guidelines and projects from the façade, using appropriate square 8 by 8 columns and picket railings.
6. The proposed windows and doors meet the design guidelines and are appropriate for the context of the block.
7. The 8/12 roof pitch meets the design guidelines, and the proposed design incorporates sufficient complexity in the façade and rear roof massings.
8. The proposed lap siding with a 5" exposure, cedar shakes in the gable fields, and a brick-clad foundation all meet design guidelines. Past Infill Housing reviews have recommended a square or rectangular louvered vent in gable fields instead of round.
9. Final site plan should include a native or naturalized shade tree in both front and rear yards.
Staff Comments
Proposed new primary structure fronting Cedar Avenue. One-story, front-gable house measures 32' wide and 44' long on the left (west) side and 40' long on the right (east) side. The house is proposed to be set 25' from the front porch to the front property line; the 15' wide porch projects 7' from the primary massing of the house. Access is proposed from Cedar Avenue, with an 18' wide parking pad and concrete driveway extending along the left (east) side of the house.
The house features a front-gable roof with an 8/12 pitch clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of 5" exposure lap siding, and a brick foundation. The roof features 1' eave overhangs with decorative wood brackets in the front gable fields. Gable fields are clad in shingles. A hipped roof, partial width porch projects from the left half of the façade (north), with a small projecting front-gable portico centered on the door. A shed-roof bay with two adjoining one-over-one, double-hung windows and a decorative panel below is located on the right half of the façade.
The left (east) elevation features a secondary entry recessed under the primary roofline on a small porch, and two double-hung one-over-one windows. Paired multi-light doors are located on the rear elevation.