Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 3-D-20-DT as submitted.Case File
300 & 316 W. Magnolia Ave.

Applicant Request
This proposal is to renovate 300 & 316 West Magnolia Avenue.

300 West Magnolia Avenue consists of (2) buildings constructed at different periods, Rayl School Shop (1934) & Free Service Tire (1952). The Rayl School Shop will have all the existing brick relaid/repaired & painted facing Williams Street and the Alley. The existing windows will be replaced with new painted steel windows with clear insulated glazing to match the existing. An architectural metal panel system will be used at the alley side of the building to fill in the void at the windows and the roof line. The Free Service Building will have a back-lit perforated architectural metal panel system that will be applied to the existing painted CMU. The existing garage bays will be infilled with a new aluminum storefront system. A portion of the ground level facade will have a weathering architectural metal panel system with a canopy to be clad with the same material.

316 West Magnolia (constructed in the 1940's) will have the existing brick repointed/repaired and painted on the front and alley facade. The existing opening will be infilled with a traditional stick built wood storefront system and transoms w/ clear insulated glazing. A new metal canopy will be installed at the existing steel line just above the storefront. The west side of the building will have the existing concrete repaired and painted. The alley side of the building will have new window openings that will have new painted steel windows with clear insulated glazing. The existing garage door at the alley will be infilled with a new aluminum storefront system, activating the former alley for pedestrian use.

1) Remove all existing windows, doors, and storefront systems.
2) Create new windows openings in the masonry walls on the building wall on the west side of the Magnolia Avenue patio and the west side of the south elevation.

General repairs:
1) Repoint, repair, and repaint the existing masonry walls.
2) Install new kynar finished, 2-pice snap-on coping on top of the parapet walls.

1) All windows shown with multiple panes will be true divided light painted steel windows with clear glass (east and south elevations). Some windows will be operable as noted on the south elevation.
2) Cementitious stucco to cover the existing concrete block walls on the central building of the north (Magnolia Ave.) elevation.
3) Perforated architectural metal panel system with metal furring every 4'-0" to be installed over the concrete block of the old Free Service Tire building on the north (Magnolia Ave.) elevation and the northern portion of the east (Williams St.) elevation.
4) Wood siding at the recessed entry on the east (Williams St.) elevation.
5) Aluminum storefront system to replace the existing garage doors and windows, as noted, on all elevations except the west elevation.
6) Painted "stick built" wood storefronts with transoms on the western on the north (Magnolia Ave.) elevation, as noted.
7) Architectural weathering metal panel system and canopy on the Free Service Tire building above the storefront system and wrapping around the northwest corner of the building to the Williams St. elevation.

1) Install new exterior wall sconces on the western storefront of the north (Magnolia Ave.) elevation, east (Williams St.) and the east side of the south (alley) elevation, as shown on the plans. See the attached manufacturer information for the proposed fixed.
2) Install lighting behind the perforated architectural metal panel system on the old Free Service Tire building. These light fixtures will not be visible.
3) Decorative string lights over the Magnolia Ave. patio, attached to the building and painted steel columns located along the edge of the planters at the periphery of the patio.

1) Install board formed concrete planters between the patio and the public sidewalk on Magnolia Avenue and Williams Street.

Staff Comments
This building is not located within a National Register Historic District, so the Historic Resources section of the guidelines do not apply. The property is located on the south side of W. Magnolia Avenue, across from the I-40 viaduct and public parking located underneath. The new Regas Square mixed use building is located to the rear of this property.

The property is zoned DK-W (Downtown Knoxville - Warehouse) district which has specific design requirements listed in Table 5-4 in Section 5.5 (link) of the zoning ordinance, and building material restrictions listed in the same section. The design requirements do not apply to this proposal because this is not new construction and the building is not being expanded by 30 percent or more in square footage. The building material restrictions will apply to any changes to building materials. No proposed material is restricted.

Applicable guidelines:

Beautifying downtown can occur through many different elements including architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, art, and performing art. These elements provide expressions of local history and culture. They contribute to local identity and unique qualities of downtown. Public spaces should be designed to include art and beautification.
4a. Foster downtown beautification with landscaping and plantings, public art, and public open space.

Building form should be consistent with the character of downtown as an urban setting and should reinforce the pedestrian activity at the street level. Creating pedestrian-scale buildings, especially at street level, can reduce the perceived mass of buildings. Historically, building technology limited height and subsequently created pedestrian-scaled buildings typically less than 10 stories. Building technology no longer limits the height of buildings and there are no height limitations imposed by the zoning ordinance for downtown Knoxville. However, there is still a need for buildings that respond to pedestrians. The use of 'human-scale' design elements is necessary to accomplish this. Human-scale design elements are details and shapes that are sized to be proportional to the human body, such as, upper story setbacks, covered entries, and window size and placement.
1a. Maintain a pedestrian-scaled environment from block to block.
1e. Avoid blank walls along street-facing elevations.

It is important to establish a strong relationship among buildings, sidewalks, and streets. This is typically accomplished through consistent setbacks that locate buildings on the same line.
2b. Consider using landscape elements to define the sidewalk edge where a building is to be set back from the sidewalk.
2d. Limit grade separations above or below the sidewalk, generally no more than 3 feet. Allow for clear sightlines into and out of buildings and plazas.
2e. Design private plazas to be pedestrian-friendly. Provide human-scale amenities and include landscaping.

New building materials should relate to the scale, durability, color, and texture of the predominate building materials in the area.
3a. Use complimentary materials and elements, especially next to historic buildings.

Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4a. Encourage first floor uses that draw walk-in traffic; businesses that do not require pedestrian traffic should be located on other floors.
4b. Enhance pedestrian interest in commercial and office buildings by creating a largely transparent and consistent rhythm of entrances and windows.
4f. Encourage the use of 'green roofs' and other sustainable practices, while minimizing the visual impact from the street.

Entrances and ground floor windows should foster pedestrian comfort, safety and orientation. Not every building in downtown needs to have the same window or entry designs; however, repeating the pattern of historic openings helps to reinforce the character of downtown, differentiating it from suburban areas.
5a. Use consistent rhythm of openings, windows, doorways, and entries.
5b. Orient primary front entrances to the main street; secondary entrances should be clearly defined and oriented to streets or alleys, as appropriate.
5c. Design entrances according to the proportions of the building's height and width.
5d. Consider corner entrances at the ends of blocks.
5e. All windows at the pedestrian level should be clear.
5f. Recess ground floor window frames and doors from the exterior building face to provide depth to the facade.

Aktalay / Sanders Pace Architecture

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History