Approve I-G (General Industrial) zoning because it is a minor extension of zoning from all four directions and is consistent with the surrounding development and sector plan.
Approve I-G (General Industrial) zoning because it is a minor extension of zoning from all four directions and is consistent with the surrounding development and sector plan.
The AG General Agricultural Zoning District is intended to provide for agricultural uses that comprise an important part of the economy of Knoxville. The intent is to permit lands best suited for agriculture to be used for agriculture purposes, and prevent the encroachment of incompatible land uses on farm lands and protect the physical and economic wellbeing of agricultural operations.
The I-G General Industrial Zoning District provides for a range of general industrial uses that may produce limited outside impacts, rendering them incompatible with retail, service,
or residential uses. Such uses include limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, wholesale distributing, and warehousing facilities that do not require frequent visits from customers or clients.
East of Knott Rd, South of North Middlebrook Pike
Council District 2
Land Use Classification LI (Light Industrial) LI (Light Industrial)