Approve the RP (Rural Preservation) zone because it is consistent with the sector plan and rural land uses in the area.
Approve the RP (Rural Preservation) zone because it is consistent with the sector plan and rural land uses in the area.
This zone provides for a wide range of agricultural and related uses as well as residential uses with low population densities and other compatible uses which generally require large areas or open spaces.
The rural preservation zone is provided to help insure the continued production of agricultural commodities by encouraging preservation of productive agricultural lands and the open space, wildlife habitat, and scenic corridor value that productive agricultural lands provide. Uses allowed within the district are intended to be limited to uses which are compatible with the long-term agricultural productivity of lands. The general intent of the district is to encourage farming without undue burden on the landowner. Applications for Rural Preservation zoning shall be reviewed for:
South of Washington Pike; west of Bud Hawkins Rd
Commission District 8