

Denied (Withdrawn)
by the Planning Commission

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

420 Union Ave

Southeast corner of the intersection of Union Avenue and Walnut Street (420-430 Union)

Council District 6

14,800 square feet

Planning Sector
Central City

Currently on the Property
Commercial building

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE C-2 (Central Business District)/H-1(Historic Overlay) zoning and design guidelines.
1) The Sprankle Flats and 420 Union Building are architecturally significant and should be preserved with historic designation. 2) These two buildings are a significant part of the downtown streetscape along Union Avenue, where other historic residential, office and commercial properties are located. 3) The two buildings appear to be structurally sound and can be rehabilitated for future use.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
  • Appeal to Because of its location in the City, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
  • Appeal by The appeal deadline has passed
The Process

City of Knoxville, by Mayor Victor Ashe

Case History