Property Information
LocationNorthwest side S Northshore Dr., northeast side Wallace Rd.
Commission District 4
Size3 acres
Currently on the Property
Residence and vacant Land
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) at a density of 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre based on the sector plan amendment recommendation to maintain Low Density Residential.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) zoning.
APPROVE a density of 1 to 5 dwellings per acre based on the sector plan amendment recommendation to maintain LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL.
This request was referred back to MPC by County Commission for consideration of PR zoning. Although the site is less than 5 acres in size, PR zoning at 1 to 5 dwellings per acre is consistent with the surrounding residential development pattern and would allow consideration of detached or attached housing. The sector plan proposes low density residential use for this site. (This is a revised recommendation.)