APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) at a density of 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre based on the sector plan amendment recommendation to maintain Low Density Residential.
See case notes below
APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) at a density of 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre based on the sector plan amendment recommendation to maintain Low Density Residential.
This residential zone provides for residential areas with low population densities. These areas are intended to be defined and protected from encroachment of uses not performing a function necessary to the residential environment.
This zone is intended to provide for orderly development of office parks so that structures, access road improvements, utility distribution, landscaping, pedestrian circulation, waste disposal and related elements are complementary and allow orderly sequential development through initial coordination of utilities and other services. To create a zone which is compatible with surrounding residential areas and serves as a transitional area from residential to other less compatible land uses.
Commission District 4