Property Information
Location0 BLACK RD
South side of Black Rd, east of Summit Station Ln
Commission District 6
Size9.94 acres
Place Type DesignationRR (Rural Residential) pending, HP (Hillside Protection)
Currently on the Property
Rural Residential, Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant
Growth PlanRural Area
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Staff Recommendation
Approve the concept plan subject to 6 conditions.
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant utility provider requirements.
2. Obtaining approval from the Knox County Engineering and Public Works department during the design plan phase to increase the maximum intersection grade from 1 percent to 2 percent on the unnamed private ROW at its intersection with Black Rd.
3. Certifying that the required sight distance is available along Black Rd in both directions for all new driveways, with documentation provided to the Knox County Engineering and Public Works department for review and approval during the design plan phase. The sight distance shall be certified using design grades at the driveway entrances before grading permits are issued for the site.
4. Providing turnarounds for all new driveways on lots 1 to 6.
5. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works department, including, but not limited to, ensuring that the stormwater retention pond(s) meets the standards.
6. Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establishing a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, and/or stormwater drainage systems.
Disposition Summary
Approve the concept plan subject to 6 conditions.