Property Information
Southwest side of Arcadia Peninsula Way, south of Artemis Place Way
Commission District 5
Size10.13 acres
Place Type DesignationRL (Rural Living), SP (Stream Protection), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land, Water
Growth PlanRural Area
Fire Department / DistrictRural Metro Fire
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 7 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 7 conditions.
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting other relevant utility provider requirements.
2. Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establish a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, private roads, and/or stormwater drainage systems.
4. If during design plan approval or construction of the development, it is discovered that unforeseen off-site improvements within the right-of-way are necessary as caused by the development, the developer will either enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the County for these improvements or reimburse the County for their direct expenses (if completed by County crews) to make corrections deemed necessary.
5. Provide a temporary turnaround at the southern terminus of Arcadia Peninsula Way as required by Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase.
6. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County zoning ordinance.
7. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
This proposal is Phase 4B of the Arcadia subdivision and includes an approximately 400 ft extension of Arcadia Peninsula Way and 3 new house lots. The total area is approximately 10.138 acres; however, only 2.205 acres are above the 820-ft contour. The proposed density is 1.36 du/ac, based on the acreage above the 820 contour.
In 2011, the Planning Commission approved a concept plan (8-SA-11-C) plan that would have permitted up to 820 dwellings on this site. That plan called for a mixture of housing types and densities along with a large amount of common area. The developers have changed course and have significantly reduced the anticipated number of dwellings that will be proposed for this site.
The most recent traffic study done for this project was based on 200 dwellings as the maximum number of houses that would be proposed for the site. The traffic study called for the widening of Chandler Lane to a width of 20 feet and the installation of warning flashers on S. Northshore Drive at Chandler Lane. The study required improvements to be completed prior to the platting of the 50th lot in the project. The developers have completed the improvements called for in the traffic study ahead of the schedule. The next round of improvements to S. Northshore will come as the development approaches 100 lots, and will require the developer to install a left turn lane on S. Northshore Drive. The total number of lots approved, including the 3 subject lots, is 93 lots. As future lots are added, the traffic study calls for additional road improvements and more traffic analysis.