Plan Amendment

Central City Sector Plan Amendment


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Adopt Resolution #4-A-20-SP, amending this parcel in the Central City Sector Plan map to the OS (Open Space) designation to make the Central City Sector Plan consistent with the zoning and to allow the parcels to be incorporated into Caswell Park.


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

0 E. Fifth Ave.

North side of E. Fifth Ave. from Holly St. to Myrtle St.

Council District 6

9,158 square feet

Planning Sector
Central City

Land Use Classification MU-SD, MU-CC4 MU-SD, MU-CC4

Currently on the Property
Vacant pacels

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

What's next?

This Plan Amendment case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - April 24, 2020 has passed.

City of Knoxville

Case History