Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-A-21-IH as submitted.

418 E. Oldham Ave. 37917

Bentley Bentley Marlow 416 & 418 Oldham LLC 416 & 418 Oldha

The proposed subdivision plat creates two narrow lots, with one existing single-family shotgun house on each lot. As the proposed subdivided lots are significantly below the 5,000 sq. ft. minimum lot area required by the base zoning (RN-2), the applicant was required to seek a variance from the Board of Zoning appeals. The proposed subdivision plat does not create any new non-conformities with regards to building code (property line setbacks, fire separation, etc).

The subdivision plat meets the intent of the Infill Housing design guidelines as it reinforces an existing streetscape pattern, maintains consistent front and side setback patterns, and does not create any new vacant lots which would be incompatible with the existing development pattern. The proposal does not involve alterations to the single-family, shotgun houses contribute to the overall historic character of the neighborhood

Staff Comments
Subdivision plat. Existing lot measures approximately 50' wide by 150' long, containing two historic, single-family, shotgun houses. Proposed subdivision will create two separate parcels, with one house on each parcel. One lot (416 E. Oldham Ave.) measures 27.82' wide at Oldham Ave. by approximately 150' long; second lot (418 E. Oldham Ave., northmost lot) measures 27.81 wide at Oldham Ave., by approximately 150' long.

Bentley Bentley Marlow 416 & 418 Oldham LLC 416 & 418 Oldham L

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History