Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-A-23-DT, subject to one condition: 1) meeting all applicable right-of-way requirements with the City of Knoxville.

400 W. Magnolia Ave.

Triangular J Ventures LLC

Applicant Request
Exterior rehabilitation, focusing on rear (southwest) elevation of existing building. Removal of one double-hung window and installation of new full-light door with transom in the same location. Door will access an entrance landing with a new guardrail and a new concrete ramp with a steel handrail. Exterior rehabilitation work will also include the installation of outdoor seating and planters in the private courtyard behind the building.

Staff Comments
400 W. Magnolia Ave (Whist Court) is not listed on the NRHP so the Historic Resources section of the guidelines does not apply. The proposal meets the design guidelines as retains or increases pedestrian-level transparency, provides secondary access to the residential units, and will replace a window with a door of a similar size and design. The finish and material of the new entrance will match the existing black windows. The work is concentrated on the rear elevation, less visible from the primary streets. A right-of-way agreement with the City of Knoxville may be required for the landing and rear access which are currently proposed within right-of-way.

Case History