Middle Housing


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

2330 Money Place

Land Use Classification TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential) TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential)

Case Notes


Staff Recommendation
1. The property is located within the TDR land use area, in the RN-4 zoning district. The selected MH type is townhouse (small).
2. The lot width is 129', with an alley/secondary access to the property. The lot width allows for 7 units.
3. The front setback (Money Place) is 10', which is the average of the blockface for this zoning district on this block. Rear setbacks are above the 15' minimum. The corner side setback (Whittle Springs Road) is 12'.
4. The buildings are two stories tall.
5. Building A, fronting Whittle Springs Road, contains units which are 20' wide and 30' deep. Building B, fronting Money Place, contains units which are 17' wide by 22'-3" deep. Both buildings meet the width and depth maximum in Table 4-4.
6. Seven parking spaces are provided. The proposed parking area meets the standards in 4.6.D.
7. Rooflines are steep, with a roof pitch of 6/12 or more, and articulated, with at least two pitches, planes, or ridgeline directions.
8. The buildings are oriented with the front elevations facing the street, with the narrow end of townhouse units facing the street.
9. The project was approved by the Design Review Board in March 2024 (3-D-24-IH).
10. No administrative variations are requested or granted in the application.

What's next?

  • Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
The Process

Jared Hueter ALLY Architecture

Case History