Street Closure



See agency comments and recommendations below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Close Street
From McClung Ave.
Intersection of Hackman St.
To Price Ave.
Eastern terminus of Cafego Ave.

Reason for Closure

This street is not in use. By closing this street and obtaining half of the right of way, I will be able to meet the requirements to subdivide 3030 Hackman St. Knoxville, TN 37920 into two separate lots, allowing the construction and sale of two single family homes, as opposed to one.

Comments / Recommendations

The applicant is requesting to close Cafego Avenue, a street recorded in the City of Knoxville's ward map but never built. Cafego Avenue extends from the northeast corner of parcel 109EA038 and dead ends at the Maynard Glenn Fields Ball Park.

The reviewing departments and organizations had these comments:
- Planning: Planning does not object to this closure on the condition that a pedestrian easement is provided to ensure public access is available to the Maynard Glenn Fields Ball Park.
- City of Knoxville Parks & Recreation: No objection to this closure request.
- City of Knoxville Engineering: City Engineering has no objection to this closure. Should this right-of-way be closed, the City will reserve easements for all drainage facilities and utilities, if there are any current facilities, located in or within five (5) feet of the property described herein. No easements are reserved if there are no current facilities within the closure area. If any existing facilities or utilities are found not feasible to the site development or use, they may be removed and relocated, subject to City Engineering and/or other applicable easement holder review and approval.
- KUB: We have reviewed our records, and as far as we have been able to determine, KUB has no existing utility facilities located within the subject right-of-way area, and we have no objection to the requested closure. However, KUB does not release and hereby retains all easements and rights for existing facilities, whether or not identified in our research.
- Fire Department: Approved for fire access.
- TDOT: The request does not impact state-owned right-of-way, and the department takes no exception to it.
- Addressing: The proposed row closure is not expected to impact any existing addresses.
- AT&T: No objection to this closure request.

Property Information

0 Cafego Avenue

Commission District 1

Planning Sector
South City

What's next?

  • Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
The Process

Nicholas Guess

Case History