Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


3405 Dill St

Matrix Holdings Matrix Holdings

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Site Plan - Front yard setback shall be 25' 9" along Hiawassee Avenue and 38' along Dill Street. The interior side yard setback shall be 12' 4" and the rear yard setback shall be 23' 5". An 18' wide by 38' deep asphalt driveway is accessed from Dill Street on the north side of the house. A walkway connects the front porch to the driveway, along the house and parallel to Dill Street. A tree is planted in the front yard, along Hiawassee Avenue.

Architectural Building Elevations - The roof has a 5:12 pitch. The front porch is 8' X 8' and has 6" X 6" posts. The Hiawassee Avenue façade contains two 3 X 5 windows, a front door on facing the street (under the porch roof), and a 2' exposed stucco foundation. The side of the house facing Dill Street contains two 3 X 5 windows.

Matrix Holdings/Lighthouse Properties Matrix Holdings/Lighthous

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History