Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1314 Louisiana Ave

Teri Teri Sterwart Uptown Proerties Uptown Proerties

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Architectural Elevations - The front elevation contains an 8' deep porch that is the fill width of the house. The porch has 8" square columns with perimeter railing system around the porch. The front elevation also has two sets of double windows and one door facing the street. The roof pitch is 6:12. The exposed foundation on the front is 1'. The right side elevation contains two windows and the left side elevations contain 3 windows and a door, including the recessed area at the rear of the house.

Site plan- The build to line is 25'. A private sidewalk connects the front porch to the public sidewalk. A tree is planted in the front yard. The existing driveway and curb cut will be reused.

All details shall be consistent with the approved plans.

Mack Mack Fraser Southern Draw Design Build Ltd. Southern Draw

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History