Design Review Board

Level 3: Construction of new building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 4-B-20-DT subject to the following conditions:

1) Meeting the requirements of the City of Knoxville Department of Engineering.
2) Obtaining approval from the City of Knoxville to install and maintain the planting area and bus shelter within the public ROW.
3) If the planting area in the ROW cannot be installed as proposed, the applicant must submit a revised plan to screen the parking lot from the adjacent public sidewalk.Case File
600 Henley St.

Applicant Request
This proposal is to partially remove the existing plaza on the Locust Street frontage of the UT Conference Center to allow for 8 surface parking spaces (4 handicap accessible spaces, 4 standard spaces). The existing on-street parking will be removed to allow for two new driveway curb cuts and a KAT trolley stop along the frontage (between the two curb cuts). There will be a bus shelter similar to the one shown in the attached plans and landscaping area on either side of the shelter. The plaza will continue to have a seating area with tables, ADA accessible connection to the pedestrian bridge and landscaping beds/planters. The building will not be modified.

Staff Comments
There will be landscaping beds on either side of the bus shelter, which is proposed in the public ROW and will require approval by the City of Knoxville. If the landscaping must be removed from the ROW, the applicant will need to provide an alternative screening plan between the parking lot and the public sidewalk.

The design guidelines do not recommend parking be located to the front of buildings. This building encompasses the entire block and this is the only location were on-site parking is feasible. The creation of this parking is associated with the Audiology and Speech Pathology departments moving from campus to this building. The UT campus buses will use the parking area drive lane for loading and unloading. The KAT trolleys will stop along the curb in front of the bus shelter.

Applicable guidelines:

Consider pedestrians first, then transit, then the automobile in designing and developing downtown places. Public utilities and streetscape amenities should be located to support safe, convenient, and unimpeded pedestrian flow. Due to the nature of the narrow downtown streets with low traffic speeds it is relatively safe to bike within the downtown area. However, bike lanes and greenways leading to downtown, and places to store bicycles once downtown should also be considered.
1a. Prioritize pedestrian safety and comfort through public amenities, such as pedestrian-scale lighting, benches, and trash receptacles.
1b. Require sidewalks and crosswalks that are accessible to all and are aesthetically pleasing.
1g. Consolidate curb-cuts and locate driveways near mid-block, when necessary; alley access should be provided for service and parking, if feasible.

It is important to ensure that parking facilities (both public and private) are safe, accessible, and clearly marked. New parking facilities should be designed to be attractive, compatible additions to downtown. In general, new parking facilities should remain subordinate to the street scene.
3c. Locate surface parking lots to the side or rear of buildings. No surface parking lots should be created in front of buildings.
3d. Screen surface lots, where they abut a public sidewalk, with decorative walls, fencing and landscaping.
3e. Distribute shade trees within surface lots at a ratio of 1 tree per 8 parking spaces. Trees may be planted in wells between spaces.

It is important to ensure that parking facilities (both public and private) are safe, accessible, and clearly marked. New parking facilities should be designed to be attractive, compatible additions to downtown. In general, new parking facilities should remain subordinate to the street scene.
2b. Consider using landscape elements to define the sidewalk edge where a building is to be set back from the sidewalk.
2e. Design private plazas to be pedestrian-friendly. Provide human-scale amenities and include landscaping.

Lindsay / Lindsay & Maples, Architects, Inc.

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History