Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


1361 Shepard St. 37917

Reid Reid Jackson

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
Staff recommends approval of the project due to the following:
1. The shed location meets the base zone (RN-1) setback requirements for accessory structures.
2. The Infill Guidelines are largely silent when it comes to the aesthetics of accessory structures. Guidelines on materials, doors, etc. are for primary structures.
3. Alley access should be utilized when a functioning alley is present, so the driveway location meets the Infill Housing Guidelines.
4. The driveway will need to meet the City's Engineering Department requirements:
a. The driveway and parking area must provide parking for a minimum of 1 vehicle since there is an existing front driveway. A driveway of less than 18 feet wide must be 35 feet in length.
b. The gate at the driveway must be at least 5 feet off of the property line, and must swing in towards the property and not out towards the alley.
c. If the applicant decides to go with the wheel tracks driveway, he will need to utilitze 3-ft wide wheel strips, with a grass strip of 4 feet wide in the middle. We also need a solid surface (asphalt or concrete) in the right of way that connects to the alley or street the full width of the driveway.

Staff Comments
The applicant is proposing a new driveway and shed in the rear yard of the property.
1. A new driveway is proposed off the alley, 10-ft wide x 17.5-ft long. The amount of impervious surface is a concern due to the size of the lot. To address this, the applicant is considering either using drivable grass with native cover or a ribbon driveway.
2. The driveway will have a double-gate that aligns with a new privacy fence in the back yard.
3. New shed near the edge of the alley is proposed 5' from the rear lot line and 5' from the adjacent neighbor in the rear west corner of the lot.
a. Tuff Shed is the vendor of the shed; it will be a 10' x 12' structure with a 6:12 single gable roof.
b. Shed will be painted "Smoky Slate" and the trim will be "Delicate White".
c. Shed will be clad in vertical siding and will feature a barn-style door facing the interior of the lot.
d. The shed will rest on 4 concrete piers.
4. Extensive landscaping, a fence in the rear yard, and a rear patio are proposed but are not the purview of this Committee.

Case History