Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-B-21-IH as submitted, with the condition that parking meet City Engineering requirements and impervious surface limits.

1537 Minnesota Ave. 37921

Amber Amber Culpepper Lafayette Construction & Development,

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
1. The revised site plan does not include modifications to the previously-approved exterior elevations, front and rear setbacks, or general parking location. The site plan has been flipped to provide additional space between the new house and the property to the right (northeast).

2. Locating parking behind the primary house (on a block without an operable alley), the proposed site plan meets the design guidelines.

3. Parking must meet City Engineering requirements and impervious surface limits (asphalt or concrete to extend from the street to 5' inside property line; gravel to be bounded on all sides by landscape timbers or similar; gravel to be gridded or separated to prevent migration; gravel to use clean uniform-sized stone and a quality geo-fabric underneath).

Staff Comments
Revision to site plan (1-D-21-IH) to locate driveway and parking access on the right side of the house, due to site constraints. No modifications to house footprint, parking area, or house elevations. 9' wide gravel driveway to extend off Minnesota Avenue on right (northeast) side of house, to access 19' by 19' concrete parking pad to the rear of the house.

Amber Amber Culpepper Lafayette Construction & Development, In

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History