Other Business


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Staff recommends that the Planning Commission under section 3.2.C of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance remove the (C) designation for parcel 120ED003 to correct the error, as evidenced on the attached map.




Proposed administrative map error correction and modification to the Official Zoning Map to properly address an administrative error and remove (C) designation for property located at 7128 Deane Hill Dr.


Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Case History

This program aims to increase transit in disadvantaged communities and reduce the impact of climate change. Knoxville-Knox County Planning, in partnership with KAT and the city, will develop a Transit-based Opportunities Map to identify locations for development along key transit corridors that target attainable housing and employment opportunities. Transit-oriented development (TOD) prioritizes efficient, equitable, sustainable development. It also helps reduce poverty and further benefit communities by:

  • Encouraging greater transit use,
  • Reducing automobile use,
  • Maximizing existing infrastructure
  • Reducing emissions, and
  • Providing mixed and low-income housing options.