Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


The City of Knoxville is proposing to replace the existing brick crosswalks on Main Street in front of the City-County Building and on Summit Hill Drive in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The proposed crosswalks will be made of dyed, stamped asphalt. The stamped asphalt will be on the exterior portion of the crosswalks and there will be a smooth central area for accessibility reasons. To delineate the edges of the crosswalk, a 12" white, thermoplastic marking will be used on either side.

Crosswalk on Main Street, connecting City County Building and Federal Courthouse, and crosswalk on Summitt Hill Drive, connecting TVA and Crown Plaza.
Applicant Request
The City of Knoxville is proposing to replace the existing brick crosswalks on Main Street in front of the City-County Building and on Summit Hill Drive in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The proposed crosswalks will be made of dyed, stamped asphalt. The stamped asphalt will be on the exterior portion of the crosswalks and there will be a smooth central area for accessibility reasons. To delineate the edges of the crosswalk, a 12" white, thermoplastic marking will be used on either side.


City of Knoxville - Dept of Engineering

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History