Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This proposal is a revision to the previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness 5-E-15-DT. The revisions requiring board review are as follows:

1) On the Central Street elevation, the residential access to the stairwell has been changed by replacing the glass transom with decorative brick approximately the same size as the transom and the door now being offset within the recess rather than centered.

The revisions approved by staff as being in keeping with the original approval are as follows:

1) Increase the height of the commercial ground floor from 14' to 16'-8".
2) Increase the height of the storefront to be appropriately scaled with the new first floor height.
3) Remove a ground floor door along the Willow Ave. storefront. This was a secondary door to the corner commercial space that is no longer needed. There is one remaining entrance from Willow Ave. that is designed as a standard recessed storefront.
4) On the rear elevation a storefront system that was approximately 10' from the sidewalk has been replaced with three steel double doors that provide access to building equipment. The loss of the window does not conflict with the design guidelines or the intent of the overlay district because it is not on a street facing elevation and was significantly removed from the sidewalk.

115 Willow St

Applicant Request
This proposal is a revision to the previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness 5-E-15-DT. The revisions requiring board review are as follows:

1) On the Central Street elevation, the residential access to the stairwell has been changed by replacing the glass transom with decorative brick approximately the same size as the transom and the door now being offset within the recess rather than centered.

The revisions approved by staff as being in keeping with the original approval are as follows:

1) Increase the height of the commercial ground floor from 14' to 16'-8".
2) Increase the height of the storefront to be appropriately scaled with the new first floor height.
3) Remove a ground floor door along the Willow Ave. storefront. This was a secondary door to the corner commercial space that is no longer needed. There is one remaining entrance from Willow Ave. that is designed as a standard recessed storefront.
4) On the rear elevation a storefront system that was approximately 10' from the sidewalk has been replaced with three steel double doors that provide access to building equipment. The loss of the window does not conflict with the design guidelines or the intent of the overlay district because it is not on a street facing elevation and was significantly removed from the sidewalk.

Staff Comments
Applicable guidelines:

Section 1.C.3. (ENTRANCES)
Formal entrances to front facades should be retained. This includes entrances that are located above street level and accessed by exterior stairs. Altering or removing the main entrance to grant street-level access is not appropriate.
3a. Establish recessed entries, either rectangular or with slightly canted sides, which are appropriate in storefronts.
3b. Allow for multiple entries on the first floor of the building, giving access to commercial space that may be divided into bays.
3c. Provide access to upper stories through additional entries.
3d. Maintain original height and materials for doors that are consistent with the use of the building, such as residential, commercial, or banking purposes.

Infill construction should be designed to reflect architectural and historic qualities. Designs should not duplicate current buildings. Issues of concern will be the siting, size, shape, proportion, materials, and the relationship of all of those to the prevalent character of the historic district.
10a. Maintain the setback of adjacent historic buildings. The height of the lower stories should be similar to adjacent historic buildings. Upper floors may be 'stepped back' behind the front facade.
10b. Duplicate the horizontal floor divisions of existing buildings.
10c. Design windows to be of similar proportions to the adjacent historic building windows.
10d. Use ornamental stone, brick work, and trim appropriate to the style of the infill building.
10e. Recognize the belt courses, strong courses, cornices, and other elements of adjacent buildings.
10f. Incorporate storefronts that complement the openness, bulkheads, and transoms of historic buildings.

Case History