Approved with Conditions
Approve the development plan for a retail building with approximately 8,200 sqft of floor area and a drive-through facility, subject to 3 conditions.
See case notes below
Approve the development plan for a retail building with approximately 8,200 sqft of floor area and a drive-through facility, subject to 3 conditions.
The C-R Regional Commercial Zoning District is intended to accommodate medium- to large-scale commercial development within the City of Knoxville that serves both local and regional markets. Such development may generate a considerable amount of traffic, and typically requires significant area for off- street parking. High-density residential uses are also permitted within the C-R District, to facilitate mixed-use development where appropriate. The C-R District is divided into two
levels of intensity related to the overall form and design of the
development; however, uses are the same across all levels.
East of Thunderhead Road, north of Boardwalk Boulevard
Council District 2
Land Use Classification MU-CC (Community Mixed Use Center) MU-CC (Community Mixed Use Center)
SU cases do not move forward to City Council unless the request is to remove a planned district designation from the zoning map.